Dictionary English German: [What]

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English German
how {adv} [in what way]
Intolerable! [What insolence!]
any {pron} [no matter what kind] [referring to a feminine noun]
jede [jede beliebige]
anyway {adv} [to intensify a question, as in: "What did you want, anyway?"]
denn [als Verstärkung in Fragen, wie z. B.: "Was wolltest du denn?"]
Wotcher! [Br.] [sl.] [Cockney for what cheer?]
Tach! [ugs.] [Guten Tag!]
Wotcha! [Br.] [sl.] [Cockney for what cheer?]
Tach! [ugs.] [Guten Tag!]
Honest! [used as emphasis that what has just been said is true]
Ungelogen! [ugs.]
quote RadioTV ["Which one would you like?" based on the "What is my profession?" quiz show question: "Which piggy-bank would you like?"]Welches Schweinderl hätten S' denn gern? [Robert Lembke, «Was bin ich?»]
how {adv} [in what way]wiefern [veraltet] [inwiefern]
knowable {adj} [what can be known]wissbar [geh.]
what's [what has]was hat
what's [what is]was ist
Whatcha ... ? [coll.] [What do / are you ... ?]Was ... [machst / tust / liest usw.] du? [umgangssprachliche Frageform]
to lack [e.g. what he lacks]
gebrechen [geh.] [veraltet] [persönlich gebildet; z. B. was ihm gebricht]
to believe sb. [what is said](es) jdm. glauben
[person too cowardly to say what he thinks]
Duckmäuser {m}
philos. [the essence of what it means to be human]
Humanes {n}
Fachidiot [loan word for an expert uninterested in what goes around him]
Fachidiot {m}
relig. [what leads to eternal happiness]Seligmachendes {n}
[what one is searching for]Gesuchtes {n}
relig. creature [what has been created]Geschaffenes {n}
philos. disvalue [negative value of doing wrong or of not doing what is right]Unwert {m} [geh.] [negatives Wert des Böses zu tun, oder des Gutes nicht tun]
visionary [unable to tell what's real]Fantast {m} [pej.]
2 Words: Others
au courant {adj} [aware of what is going on; well informed]au courant [geh.] [auf dem Laufenden]
Come again? [coll.] [What?]Was? [ugs.]
Go on. [Continue with what you were saying.]Red weiter.
Go on. [Continue with what you were saying.]Sprechen Sie weiter.
Mr. ... wozzizname? [sl.] [what's his name]Herr ... wie heißt er noch?
No shit! [esp. Am.] [vulg.] [used as emphasis that what has just been said is true]Ungelogen! [ugs.]
off-beam {adj} [mistaken in what one is thinking]irrig [Gedanke]
That which ... [What]Das, was ...
Whaddya doin'? [sl.] [What are you doing?]Was treibst du so? [ugs.]
What luck! [What a lucky break!]Welch ein Glück!
games What's trumps? [What is trumps? or What trumps?]Was sticht? [Was ist Trumpf?] [im Kartenspiel]
games What's trumps? [What is trumps?]Was ist Trumpf? [im Kartenspiel]
2 Words: Verbs
to be froody [sl.] [know exactly what's what]wissen, wo der Frosch die Locken hat [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
breaking point [fig.] [limit of what sb. can take]Belastungsgrenze {f}
lit. philos. Hippias Major [also: What is Beauty?; Greater Hippias] [Platonic dialogue]Hippias maior {m} [auch: Hippias I; der Größere Hippias; der Große Hippias] [platonischer Dialog]
late starter [sb. discovering late in life what he or she is particularly skilled in]Spätberufener {m}
late vocation [female] [sb. discovering late in life what she is particularly skilled in]Spätberufene {f}
late vocation [sb. discovering late in life what he is particularly skilled in]Spätberufener {m}
relig. spec. occult compensation [in Catholic tradition the act of secretly taking from a debtor what belongs to oneself]geheime Schadloshaltung {f}
rubber-necker [Am.] [coll.] [somebody craning their neck to see what's going on]Gaffer {m} [ugs.]
3 Words: Others
idiom I stand corrected. [by taking back what I said]Ich nehme alles zurück.
Shoulda, coulda, woulda. [idiom] [it is of no use to dwell on what went wrong - let go of the guilt]Hätte, hätte, Fahrradkette! [Redewendung] [Man sollte, man könnte, man müsste]
What the hey! [coll.] [euphemism for: what the hell]Was soll's! [Egal!]
What was that? [What did you say?]Wie bitte?
Internet What you doing? <wyd, WYD> [Internet slang] [What are you doing?]Was machst du? <wmd, WMD>
Where were we? [idiom] [What were we talking about before the interruption?]Wo waren wir stehen geblieben? [Redewendung]
3 Words: Verbs
to each their own [to each what they deserve or want] [idiom]jedem das Seine [Redewendung]
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