| English  | German |  |
 | accomodation [WRONG for: accommodation] | [Unterkunft, Unterbringung, Gefälligkeit usw.] |  |
 | innocent {adj} [free from moral wrong; naive] | 429 arglos [ohne Arg, unschuldig; naiv, vertrauensselig] |  |
 | specifity [WRONG for: specificity] | [Spezifität] |  |
 | gastr. sauteed {adj} {past-p} [wrong for stewed] | 146 gedünstet |  |
 | awsome {adj} [WRONG for: awesome] | [überwältigend] |  |
 | apparantly {adv} [WRONG for: apparently] | [offensichtlich, allem Anschein nach, anscheinend usw.] |  |
 | predominate {adj} [Am.] [var. of predominant; often considered wrong] | 76 überwiegend |  |
 | transfered {adj} {past-p} [WRONG for: transferred] | [übertragen, transferieren, übergeben] |  |
 | material brazen {adj} [WRONG FOR: bronze] | [aus Bronze, bronzen, bronzefarben] |  |
 | bad {adj} [wrong, faulty] | 33 falsch [unrichtig] |  |
 | skiddish {adj} [WRONG for: skittish] | [launisch, ängstlich usw.] |  |
 | stupified {adj} {past-p} [WRONG for: stupefied] | [verblüfft, betäubt, abgestumpft usw.] |  |
 | agressive {adj} [WRONG for: aggressive] | [aggressiv] |  |
 | transfering {pres-p} [WRONG for: transferring] | [übertragend, transferierend, übergebend] |  |
 | proforma [WRONG for: pro forma] | proforma [FALSCH für: pro forma] |  |
 | anat. med. basiliar {adj} [WRONG for: basilar; e.g. for basilar artery, basilar membrane] | [Basilar-; z. B. bei Basilararterie, Basilarmembran] |  |
 | grey <Gy> [WRONG for: gray] | [das Gray (Einheitenzeichen Gy), benannt nach dem brit. Physiker/Radiobiologen Louis Harold Gray] |  |
 | artisenal {adj} [WRONG for: artisanal] | [handwerklich] |  |
 | climatic {adj} [WRONG for: climactic] | [(sich) zuspitzend] |  |
 | anat. coecal {adj} [WRONG for: caecal, cecal] | [zäkal, zökal] |  |
 | collapsable {adj} [WRONG for: collapsible] | [zusammenklappbar] |  |
 | disasterous {adj} [WRONG for: disastrous] | [desaströs] |  |
 | endogeneous {adj} [WRONG for: endogenous] | [endogen] |  |
 | enroling {adj} {pres-p} [WRONG for: enrolling] | [einstellend] |  |
 | erring {adj} {pres-p} [formal] [sinning, doing wrong] | fehlend [geh.] [unrecht handelnd] |  |
 | fourty [WRONG for: forty] | [vierzig] |  |
 | invalid {adj} [formally wrong] | formal falsch |  |
 | mus. melodical {adj} [WRONG for: melodic] | melodisch |  |
 | meritricious {adj} [WRONG for: meretricious] | [trügerisch] |  |
 | admin. pol. municiple {adj} [WRONG for: municipal] | [städtisch] |  |
 | zool. nudibranches [WRONG for: nudibranchs] | [Nacktkiemer, Nacktschnecken] |  |
 | probly {adv} [WRONG for: probably] | [wahrscheinlich] |  |
 | recycable {adj} [WRONG for: recyclable] | [recyclebar, wiederverwertbar] |  |
 | resiliant {adj} [WRONG for: resilient] | [belastbar] |  |
 | transfering {pres-p} [WRONG for: transferring] [money] | [eine Geldsumme anweisend] |  |
 | tripple {adj} [WRONG for: triple] | [dreifach, dreimalig] |  |
 | unconvincable {adj} [WRONG for: inconvincible, incapable of being convinced] | [unbelehrbar, nicht überzeugend] |  |
 | withershins {adv} [chiefly Scot.] [in the wrong direction] [of a circular movement] | falsch herum |  |
Verbs |
 | to confound [prove wrong] | 595 widerlegen |  |
 | to accomodate [WRONG for: to accommodate] | [unterbringen, beherbergen usw.] |  |
 | to envelope [WRONG for: to envelop] | [umhüllen] |  |
 | to reverse [wrong entry] | 446 stornieren |  |
 | to err [formal] [sin, do wrong] | 102 fehlen [geh.] [unrecht handeln] |  |
 | to nab sb. [coll.] [e.g. a wrong-doer] | 82 jdn. hopsnehmen [salopp] [auf frischer Tat ertappen und festnehmen] |  |
 | to seperate [WRONG for: to separate] | [trennen, separieren] |  |
 | to fail [go wrong] | 22 missraten |  |
 | to satisfy sb. [redress a wrong] | 18 jdm. genugtun [veraltet] [Genugtuung geben] |  |
 | comp. to disactivate [WRONG for: deactivate] | [deaktivieren] |  |
 | to acheive [WRONG for: to achieve] | [erreichen, bewirken, zu Stande bringen usw.] |  |
 | lit. to bespeck [WRONG for: to bespeckle] | [bespritzen] |  |