| English | German  |  |
 | aquatic {adj} | 293 Wasser- [z. B. Vogel, Sport] |  |
 | hunting winged {adj} {past-p} | 93 geflügelt [Vogel] [Jägersprache] |  |
 | orn. roosting {adj} {pres-p} [sleeping] | 25 schlafend [Vogel] |  |
 | orn. callow {adj} [unfledged] | 17 nackt [Vogel: noch ohne Federn] |  |
 | peregrine {adj} [attr.] [migrating] | 14 Wander- [Vogel, Falke, Volk, Stamm, Lebensweise, Gesellschaft] |  |
 | sth. roosts [bird] | etw. schläft [Vogel] |  |
 | young {adj} [e.g. animal, bird, cattle, plant, voter] | Jung- [z. B. Tier, Vogel, Vieh, Pflanze, Wähler] |  |
 | lit (on) {past-p} [archaic for: descended] | landete [Fallschirmspringer, Vogel etc.] |  |
 | swimming {adj} [attr.] [e.g. pool, badge, class, instructor, bird] | Schwimm- [z. B. Becken, Abzeichen, Kurs, Lehrer, Vogel] |  |
 | marine {adj} [e.g. bird, chart, law, underwriter, waterways] | See- [Meeres-] [z. B. Vogel, Karte, Recht, Versicherer, Wasserstraßen] |  |
 | pigeon-sized {adj} [e.g. bird, dinosaur] | taubengroß [z. B. Vogel, Dinosaurier] |  |
 | flown over {past-p} | überflogen [Flugzeug, Vogel] |  |
Verbs |
 | entom. orn. zool. to hatch [emerge from its egg; also: emerge from a chrysalis or pupa ] | 617 schlüpfen [Vogel, Fisch, Schlange etc.; auch: Schmetterling etc.] |  |
 | to alight [bird: descend from the air and settle] | 499 landen [Vogel] |  |
 | to whistle | 492 flöten [pfeifen, z. B. Vogel] |  |
 | to pipe | 233 piepen [Vogel etc.] |  |
 | to warble | 24 flöten [Vogel; auch ugs.: mit hoher Stimme sprechen] |  |
 | to pipe | 19 piepsen [Vogel etc.] |  |
 | to tweet [chirp (bird)] | 10 ziepen [regional (bes. nordd.)] [fiepen (Vogel)] |  |
 | to hop | 7 aufhüpfen [Vogel] |  |
 | to give a screech [bird] | anschlagen [Vogel] |  |
 | to peck open | aufhacken [Vogel] |  |
 | to fly to sb. [bird escaped from its cage] | jdm. zufliegen [entflogener Vogel] |  |
 | to fly away | wegfliegen [Vogel etc.] |  |
Nouns |
 | hunting decoy | 45 Lockvogel {m} [Vogel] |  |
 | zool. hatchling [young animal that has newly emerged from an egg] | 42 Schlüpfling {m} [gerade aus einem Ei geschlüpftes Tier, ob Vogel, Fisch oder Reptil] |  |
 | orn. T | 29 |  |
 | orn. T | 27 |  |
 | orn. pinion | 18 Flügelspitze {f} [Vogel] |  |
 | orn. zool. nestling | 17 Nesthocker {m} [Jungtiere verschiedener Vogel- und Säugetierarten] |  |
 | birdie [coll.] | 14 Piepmatz {m} [ugs.] [Vogel] |  |
 | orn. ground-breeding bird | Bodenbrüter {m} [Vogel] |  |
 | orn. T | |  |
 | [mythical creature: half bird (esp. owl), half goat] | Habergeiß {f} [auch: Habergeis, Habergoaß] [bayer.] [österr.] [Wesen, das halb Vogel, halb Geiß ist] |  |
 | orn. synanthropic bird | Kulturfolger {m} [Vogel] |  |
 | anat. orn. zool. air sac | Luftsack {m} [Vogel, Dinosaurier] |  |
 | anat. air sacs | Luftsäcke {pl} [Vogel, Dinosaurier] |  |
 | dickey bird [small bird] | Piepmatz {m} [ugs.] [Vogel] |  |
 | dicky bird [small bird] | Piepmatz {m} [ugs.] [Vogel] |  |
 | dicky bird [small bird] | Piepvogel {m} [Kindersprache] [kleiner Vogel] |  |
 | orn. T | |  |
 | orn. little ostrich | Sträußchen {n} [kleiner Vogel Strauß] |  |
 | ecol. orn. bird rescue center [Am.] | Vogelauffangstation {f} [auch: Vogel-Auffangstation] |  |
 | ecol. orn. bird rescue centre [Br.] | Vogelauffangstation {f} [auch: Vogel-Auffangstation] |  |
 | orn. bird's eggs | Vogeleier {pl} [vom selben Vogel] |  |
 | orn. T | |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | orn. preening {adj} {pres-p} | sich putzend [Vogel] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to perch (on sth.) [bird] | (auf etw.Dat.) sitzen [Vogel] |  |
 | to light (on) [descend, fall or settle upon] [paratrooper, bird etc.] | landen (auf) [Fallschirmspringer, Vogel etc.] |  |
 | to perch [bird] | sichAkk. niedersetzen [Vogel] |  |
 | to light [on / in sth.] [come to rest] [bird, fly, etc.] | sich niederlassen [auf / in etw.] [Vogel, Fliege usw.] |  |
 | orn. to preen [bird] | sich putzen [Vogel] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | aviat. orn. to dive [go steeply down through the air, swoop] | einen Sturzflug machen [Vogel, Flugzeug] |  |
 | orn. to debeak sth. [debeak a bird] | etw.Dat. den Schnabel stutzen [einem Vogel den Schnabel stutzen] |  |
 | orn. to sharpen its beak [of a bird] | seinen Schnabel wetzen [auch: sich den Schnabel wetzen] [Vogel] |  |
 | to alight on sth. [bird] | sich auf etw. [Dat., auch Akk.] niederlassen [Vogel] |  |
4 Words: Verbs |
 | to wag one's tail | mit dem Schwanz wippen [Vogel] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | quote When I see a bird that walks like a duck and swims like a duck and quacks like a duck, I call that bird a duck. [Duck typing; James Whitcomb Riley] | Wenn ich einen Vogel sehe, der wie eine Ente läuft, wie eine Ente schwimmt und wie eine Ente schnattert, dann nenne ich diesen Vogel eine Ente. [Duck-Typing; James Whitcomb Riley] |  |
5+ Words: Verbs |
 | to alight on land [bird] | sich an / auf Land niederlassen [Vogel] |  |