![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/label_cm.gif) | English | German ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/s1.gif) | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/label_cm.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. FoodInd. dairy {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cattle, farmer, product, van] | 1841 Milch- [z. B. Vieh, Bauer, Produkt, Wagen] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | young {adj} [e.g. animal, bird, cattle, plant, voter] | Jung- [z. B. Tier, Vogel, Vieh, Pflanze, Wähler] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
Verbs |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. to herd [tend, look after (sheep or cattle)] | 336 hüten [Schafe, Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to rustle [Am.] [round up and steal cattle, horses or sheep] | 329 stehlen [Vieh, Pferde oder Schafe] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to herd sb./sth. | 231 jdn./etw. treiben [Vieh etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. to rear [cattle] | 186 halten [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to brand sth. | 129 etw. markieren [bes. Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. to muster sth. [sheep, cattle] | 63 etw. zusammentreiben [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. to drove sth. [cattle] | 47 etw. treiben [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | zool. to low | 20 brüllen [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. to drive sth. home [cattle] | etw.Akk. eintreiben [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. to goad sth. on [e.g. to goad cattle on] | etw. antreiben [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
Nouns |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. roundup [of cattle, horses, etc.] | 56 Zusammentrieb {m} [von Vieh, Pferden etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | branding | 21 Brandmarken {n} [durch Einbrennen von Zeichen, z. B. Vieh, Sklaven] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. jobs herdsman | 20 Hüter {m} [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. jobs herder [female] | 15 Hüterin {f} [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | jobs herder [livestock] | 11 Hüter {m} [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | freegrazer | [Cowboy ohne eigenes Weideland, welcher sein Vieh auf freien Weideflächen grasen lässt] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | rylock stock fence [Br.] [generic term] [Rylock®] | [viereckiger, meist verzinkter Maschendraht zum Einhegen von Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | branding [livestock, formerly also criminals and slaves] | Brandmarkung {f} [Vieh, ehemals auch Verbrecher und Sklaven] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. zool. manade [herd of Camargue horses or cattle, semi-feral] | Manade {f} [Herde halbwilder Pferde oder Vieh in der Camargue] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | abreuvoir [watering trough, fountain, or other installed basin for humans and/or animals] | Tränke {f} [für Mensch und Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | abrevoir [spv.] [abreuvoir] | Tränke {f} [für Mensch und Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. race [NZ] [Aus.] [Br.] [cattle] | Treibgang {m} [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. trampling damage {sg} [caused by cattle] | Trittschäden {pl} [durch Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. pasturage [occupation or process of pasturing] | Weiden {n} [von Vieh etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. biol. foraging behavior [Am.] [cattle] | Weideverhalten {n} [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
2 Words: Others |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | on the hoof {adj} | (noch) lebend [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. unbranded {adj} [cattle] | ohne Brandzeichen [nachgestellt] [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
2 Words: Verbs |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. VetMed. to scour [to have diarrhoea] [livestock, esp cattle] | Durchfall haben [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
3 Words: Others |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. out at feed {adv} | auf der Weide [Vieh] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
3 Words: Verbs |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | agr. to lead sth. to the (water) trough [cattle, horses, etc.] | etw. zur Tränke führen [Vieh, Pferde etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |