Dictionary English German: [Unheil]

Translation 1 - 8 of 8

wrought {adj} {past-p} [past-p of wreak]
angerichtet [bewirkt] [Schaden, Unheil etc.]
to cause sth. [damage, harm, etc.]
etw. anrichten [Schaden, Unheil etc.]
to bring about sth. [esp. evil]etw.Akk. anstiften [bes. Unheil]
to bring about sth. [damage, harm, etc.]etw. anrichten [Schaden, Unheil etc.]
Greek gift [gift given with a treacherous purpose]Danaergeschenk {n} [geh.] [Unheil bringendes Geschenk]
myth. Gorgon stare [idiom]Gorgonenblick {m} [Blick einer Gorgone, der Unheil bringt] [Redewendung]
to loom [evil, harm]sich zusammenbrauen [fig.] [Unheil]
to brew [storm, disaster, etc.]sich zusammenziehen [Sturm, Unheil etc.] [sich zusammenbrauen]
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