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| aural {adj} [e.g. reflex, sense, training] | 310 Gehör- [z. B. Reflex, Sinn, Bildung] | |
| trained {adj} {past-p} [with previous training in the field] | 304 vorgebildet | |
| qualified {adj} {past-p} [having training] | 32 ausgebildet | |
| voice {adj} [attr.] [e.g. analysis, exercise, leading, training] | 30 Stimm- [z. B. Analyse, Übung, Führung, Bildung] | |
| speech {adj} [attr.] [e.g. act, anxiety, bubble, control, training] | 8 Sprech- [z. B. Akt, Angst, Blase, Steuerung, Erziehung] | |
| med. medical {adj} [e.g. training, engineering, ethics, historian] | 6 Medizin- [z. B. Studium, Technik, Ethik, Historiker] | |
| jobs articled {adj} {past-p} [Br.] [bound into a training contract, esp. with a solicitor / architect / surveyor / accountant] | kontraktlich verpflichtet | |
| jobs articled {adj} [Br.] [undergoing a period of training with a firm] | in der Ausbildung [nachgestellt] | |
| shooting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. accident, gallery, hand, range, sport, training] | Schieß- [z. B. Unfall, Bude, Hand, Platz, Sport, Training] | |
Verbs |
| mil. to PT [Am.] [coll.] [to practice physical fitness training] | 35 trainieren [Fitnesstraining durchführen] | |
| tech. to reset [weight on training equipment, etc.] | 5 umstecken [Gewicht auf Trainingsmaschinen, usw.] | |
| jobs to shadow sb. [workplace training] | mit jdm. mitlaufen [Einarbeitung in einen neuen Arbeitsbereich] | |
Nouns |
| education [training, instruction] | 141 Schulung {f} | |
| sports bench [strength training] | 94 Hantelbank {f} | |
| jobs practice [initial training] | 57 Einarbeitung {f} | |
| orientation [introduction, training] | 40 Einweisung {f} [Unterweisung, Einführung] | |
| cloth. trainer [coll.] [training shoe] | 34 Sportschuh {m} | |
| dent. dentist [without academic training] | 29 Dentist {m} [veraltet] | |
| NEET [Br.] [Can.] [Not in Employment, Education, or Training] [also: neet] | 27 [(junge) Person, die sich nicht in Beschäftigung, Unterricht, Aus- oder Fortbildung befindet] | |
| [occupation that requires formal training] | 24 Ausbildungsberuf {m} | |
| aviat. trainer [coll.] [training aircraft] | 21 Übungsflugzeug {n} | |
| aviat. trainer [coll.] [training aircraft] | 20 Schulflugzeug {n} | |
| dojo [Japanese martial arts training hall] | 15 Dojo {n} [Ort, an dem japanische Kampfkünste gelehrt werden] | |
| jobs practice [initial training] | 12 Anlernung {f} | |
| orientation [introduction, training] | 11 Einführung {f} | |
| educ. hist. [teacher training school] | 6 Lehrerbildungsanstalt {f} <LBA> | |
| sports SPINNING® [trademarked group training on stationary fitness bikes] | 6 SPINNING® {n} [markengeschütztes Gruppentraining auf stationären Trainingsfahrrädern] | |
| [give-up of training for a temporary period of time] | Trainingskarenz {f} | |
| [leave for further training or education, paid for by the employment agency] | Bildungskarenz {f} [Österreich] | |
| mil. [WWII, German armed forces, nickname for graduates of abbreviated training courses] | Notkonfirmierte {pl} | |
| mil. naut. boot [Am.] [coll.] [a navy or marine recruit, esp. one in training] | US-Navy- / US-Marine-Rekrut {m} [besonders in der Grundausbildung] | |
| med. sports cardio [coll.] [short for: cardio training] | Kardio {n} [ugs.] [kurz für: Kardiotraining] | |
| exercises {pl} [e.g. military training exercises] | Übungsbetrieb {m} | |
| hist. mil. Krümpersystem [Prussian Army short-term reservist training system during Napoleonic occupation] | Krümpersystem {n} | |
| educ. jobs med. registrar [doctor training to be a specialist] [Br.] | Arzt {m} in der Facharztausbildung | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| sports to pump iron [coll.] [fig.] [do weight training] | Eisen fressen [ugs.] [fig.] [Krafttraining betreiben] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| sports ball training [strength and agility training using an exercise ball] | Balltraining {n} [körperliche Übungen mit einem Übungsball] | |
| sports battle rope | Battle Rope {n} [Fitness-Tau, Seil für Fitness-Training] | |
| jobs career goal [intended career through study and training] | Berufsziel {n} | |
| sports circuit training <CT> | Kreistraining {n} [auch Circuit-Training] | |
| sports continuous method [physical exercice, training] | Dauermethode {f} [Trainingsmethode] | |
| sports core workout [core strength training exercises] | Training {n} der Körpermitte [Core-Training] | |
| decision game [in decision training] | Entscheidungsspiel {n} [bei Entscheidungsübungen] | |
| equest. dressage work [dressage training] | Dressurarbeit {f} | |
| educ. jobs field work [practical training] | Praktikum {n} | |
| sports focus mitt [padded glove used as training target in boxing etc.] | Pratze {f} [Schlagpolster als Trainingsziel] | |
| house breaking [Am.] [pet toilet training] | Stubenreinmachen {n} | |
| house training [Br.] [pet toilet training] | Stubenreinmachen {n} | |
| educ. inset day [Br.] [in-service training day, Baker day] | Lehrerfortbildungstag {m} | |
| sports junior training | Juniortraining {n} [auch: Junior-Training] | |