| English | German  |  |
 | brisk {adj} [weather] | 480 frisch [Wind, Temperatur] |  |
 | nippy {adj} [coll.] [e.g. temperature, wind] | 314 kühl [Temperatur] |  |
 | ambient {adj} | 60 Außen- [z. B. Temperatur] |  |
 | parky {adj} [Br.] [coll.] | 18 kühl [Temperatur] |  |
 | over-chilled {adj} | unterkühlt [Temperatur] |  |
Verbs |
 | to dip [decrease] | 376 abfallen [Preise, Temperatur etc.] |  |
 | to control [regulate] | 117 regeln [Verkehr, Prozess, Temperatur etc.] |  |
 | aviat. med. meteo. to drop [airplane, blood pressure, temperature, etc.] | 56 absacken [ugs.] [Flugzeug, Blutdruck, Temperatur etc.] |  |
 | to drop [speed, temperature] | 14 abfallen [Geschwindigkeit, Temperatur] |  |
 | to go up | ansteigen [z. B. Temperatur, Preis, Zahl] |  |
 | to cool down | herabkühlen [auf einer bestimmten Temperatur halten] |  |
 | to cool down | kühlen [auf einer bestimmten Temperatur halten] |  |
 | to take again [measure again] | nachmessen [z. B. Temperatur] |  |
Nouns |
 | setback | 34 Absenkung {f} [z. B. Temperatur] |  |
 | hydro. thermocline | 12 Temperaturgrenze {f} [Übergang von Wasserschichten unterschiedlicher Temperatur] |  |
 | tech. chill | 10 Abschrecken {n} [von einer Temperatur oberhalb des kritischen Bereichs] |  |
 | dropping [of speed, temperature, seeds, etc.] [sinking, falling] | Abfallen {n} [Tempo, Temperatur, Samen etc.] [Sinken, Fallen] |  |
 | electr. engin. overhead line temperature monitoring | Freileitungstemperaturmonitoring {n} [auch: Freileitungs-Temperatur-Monitoring] |  |
 | tech. actual temperature | Isttemperatur {f} [auch: Ist-Temperatur] |  |
 | meteo. daily high (temperature) | Tageshöchstwert {m} [Temperatur] |  |
 | meteo. phys. temperature anomaly | Temperaturanomalie {f} [auch: Temperatur-Anomalie] |  |
 | electr. thermal cutout [also: thermal cut-out] | Temperaturbegrenzer {m} [auch: Temperatur-Begrenzer] |  |
 | phys. temperature diagram | Temperaturdiagramm {n} [auch: Temperatur-Diagramm] |  |
 | hort. heated greenhouse [temperature 18 °C and above] | Warmgewächshaus {n} [mit Temperatur ab 18 °C] |  |
2 Words |
 | med. sphygmothermic dissociation [Faget sign] | Faget-Symptom {n} [Puls-Temperatur-Dissoziation] |  |
 | moderate temperature | mittlere Temperatur {f} [gemäßigte Temperatur] |  |
 | gastr. slow cooking | schonendes Kochen {n} [auf niedriger Temperatur] |  |
 | biochem. thermal death-time curve <TDT curve> | TDT-Kurve {f} [Abtötungs-Temperatur-Kurve] |  |
5+ Words |
 | gastr. pan searing | scharfes / kurzes Anbraten {n} in der Pfanne [bei hoher Temperatur] |  |