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|  |
 | to nurture sth. [talent etc.] | 1298 etw.Akk. fördern |  |
 | to nurture sth. [talent] | 450 etw.Akk. entwickeln |  |
 | to deny sb. sth. [talent, honesty etc.] | 304 jdm. etw.Akk. absprechen |  |
 | to unearth sth. [fig.] [information, evidence, talent etc.] | etw.Akk. zutage bringen [Redewendung] [Belege, ein Geheimnis etc.] |  |
Nouns |
 | knack [talent] | 1824 Gabe {f} [Talent] |  |
 | knack [talent] | 548 Kunst {f} [Geschick, Talent] |  |
 | endowment [natural talent] | 175 Gabe {f} [Begabung] |  |
 | gift [talent] | 168 Talent {n} |  |
 | vocation | 167 Neigung {f} [Talent, Berufung] |  |
 | gift [talent] | 114 Begabung {f} |  |
 | bent [talent, disposition] | 103 Veranlagung {f} [Talent, Neigung] |  |
 | aptitude | 44 Neigung {f} [Talent] |  |
 | judge [in a talent contest] | 39 Preisrichter {m} |  |
 | biol. psych. gift [talent] | 22 Anlage {f} [Veranlagung] |  |
 | sports selection [talent selection] | 16 Sichtung {f} [Selektion, Wahl] |  |
 | gifts {pl} [talent] | 14 Begabung {f} |  |
 | prodigies [persons of marvellous talents] | 11 Wunder {pl} [an Genie, Talent] [Personen] |  |
 | judge [female] [in a talent contest] | 10 Preisrichterin {f} |  |
 | find [also fig.: unnoticed talent] | 8 Entdeckung {f} [auch fig.: verborgenes Talent] |  |
 | dower [talent] | natürliche Gabe {f} |  |
 | strength [talent] | besondere Veranlagung {f} |  |
2 Words |
 | to endow sb. with sth. [e.g. talent, gift] | jdn. mit etw.Dat. begnaden [geh.] |  |
 | to wither away [talent, emotional life] | verkümmern |  |
 | exceptional gift [talent] | außergewöhnliche Begabung {f} |  |
 | journeyman actor [of average talent] | durchschnittlicher Schauspieler {m} |  |
 | organizational skills {pl} | Organisationstalent {n} [Talent zum Organisieren] |  |
3 Words |
 | in sb.'s own right {adv} [idiom] [talent, genius, gifts] | aufgrund jds. eigener Begabung |  |
 | to have sth. in spades [idiom] [e.g. character, quality, talent] | viel von etw.Dat. besitzen [z. B. Charakter, Qualität, Talent] |  |