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| spacious {adj} [containing much space, e.g. car, TV room, wardrobe] | 2397 geräumig | |
| moronic {adj} [stare, TV programme] | 38 stumpfsinnig | |
| quote [quote from a popular German TV sketch, used to express that everything was better in the past; literally: "There was more lametta (on the Christmas tree) in the old days."] | Früher war mehr Lametta. [Loriot, aus „Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts“; verallgemeinert verwendet im Sinne von „Früher war alles besser.“] | |
| unlicenced {adj} [spv.] [e.g car, TV] | nicht angemeldet | |
| unlicensed {adj} [e.g. car, TV] | nicht angemeldet | |
Verbs |
| RadioTV to zap [coll.] [from one TV channel to another] | 144 zappen [ugs.] [von einem TV-Kanal zum anderen] | |
| RadioTV to air (sth.) [broadcast] | 139 (etw.Akk.) ausstrahlen [Rundfunk- und TV-Programme] | |
| RadioTV to produce | 36 inszenieren [Radio, TV] | |
| RadioTV to play [e.g. radio, TV is playing] | 9 laufen [z. B. Radio, Fernseher läuft] | |
| RadioTV to zap [coll.] [from one TV channel to another] | 5 durchzappen [ugs.] | |
Nouns |
| remote [coll.] [remote control for TV etc.] | 1071 Fernbedienung {f} | |
| RadioTV telly [Br.] [coll.] [TV set] | 239 Fernseher {m} [ugs.] [Fernsehgerät] | |
| lit. RadioTV cliffhanger | 93 [Folge eines Fortsetzungsromans oder einer TV-Serie, die in der spannendsten Szene abbricht] | |
| RadioTV serial [TV] | 78 Fernsehserie {f} | |
| RadioTV box [Br.] [coll.] [TV] | 30 Glotze {f} [ugs.] | |
| RadioTV box [Br.] [coll.] [TV] | 22 Kiste {f} [ugs.] | |
| film RadioTV compilation [film, radio, TV] | 19 Zusammenschnitt {m} | |
| RadioTV aerials [esp. Br.] [antennae] | 10 Antennen {pl} [TV-, Radioantennen, etc.] | |
| RadioTV introduction [to a radio or TV program] | 10 Anmoderation {f} | |
| RadioTV remote [coll.] [remote control for TV, etc.] | 9 Macht {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [selten] [Fernbedienung für TV etc.] | |
| hotline | 8 Hotline {f} [TV etc.] | |
| remotes [coll.] [remote controls for TV etc.] | 6 Fernbedienungen {pl} | |
| RadioTV [Austrian TV news, ORF] | Zeit im Bild <ZIB> | |
| pol. RadioTV [election night TV debate of leading representatives of the major parties] | Elefantenrunde {f} [TV-Diskussion] [dt., schweiz.] | |
| pol. RadioTV [pre-election TV debate of leading representatives of the major parties] | Elefantenrunde {f} [TV-Diskussion] [österr.] | |
| sports [public watching of large-screen TV broadcasts, esp. of football matches] | Public Viewing {n} | |
| RadioTV box [coll.] [TV] | Glotzkiste {f} [ugs.] [Fernseher] | |
| Internet neol. RadioTV chatterboxing [using social media to comment on TV programmes while watching them] | [Kommentieren von laufenden Fernsehsendungen im Netz] | |
| RadioTV epilogue [radio, TV] | Wort {n} zum Tagesausklang | |
| film Gleek [Am.] [sl.] [fan of the TV show "Glee"] | Gleek {m} {f} [Fan der Fernsehserie "Glee"] | |
| film games RadioTV reboot [new version of sth., e.g. a TV, film, or video game series] | Reboot {m} {n} [Neufassung von etw., z. B. einer TV-Serie, Film- oder Videospielreihe] | |
| showmance [coll.] | [vorgespielte Romanze in TV oder Film] | |
| Internet RadioTV simulcasting [short for: simultaneous broadcast] | Simulcasting {n} [zeitgleiches Übertragen eines Programms in TV, Radio, Internet] | |
| snow [interference on a TV screen] | Flimmern {n} | |
| RadioTV the tube [Am.] [coll.] [TV set] | die Röhre {f} [ugs.] [oft pej.] [Fernsehgerät] | |
| film RadioTV theatre watchables {pl} [that are worth watching, e.g. on TV] | Sehenswertes {n} [z. B. im Fernsehen] | |
2 Words: Others |
| RadioTV Stay tuned! | Bleiben Sie dran! [formelle Anrede] [Radio, TV] | |
| RadioTV Stick around! | Bleiben Sie dran! [formelle Anrede] [Radio, TV] | |
| Swedish-language {adj} [attr.] [song, TV channel, newspaper, etc.] | schwedischsprachig | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| film RadioTV theatre to be showing | laufen [TV-Programm, Darbietung] | |
| RadioTV to become grainy [TV] | grießeln [von Bild, Bildschirm: körnig werden, rauschen] | |
| film RadioTV to binge-watch sth. [e.g. TV series] | etw.Akk. bingen [z. B. TV-Serien] | |
| RadioTV to broadcast simultaneously | gleichzeitig senden [Radio, TV] | |
| to crank sth. up [coll.] [music, radio / TV set, etc.] | etw.Akk. lauter stellen [Musik, Radio, Fernseher etc.] | |
| to cut out [Am.] [light, TV set] | abschalten [ausschalten] | |
| RadioTV to flick through sth. [TV channels] | durch etw.Akk. klicken [Fernsehkanäle] | |
| RadioTV to sign on | Programm beginnen [Radio, TV] | |
| to switch on [TV program] | reinschalten [ugs.] | |
| to turn sth. off [e.g. the light, the TV] | etw. ausmachen [ugs.] [abschalten, ausschalten] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| mus. (American) Bandstand | [TV-Musikshow] | |