Dictionary English German: [Swiss]

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geogr. [from or pertaining to the Swiss canton of Basel or the city of the same name] {adj}Basler [indekl.]
[having to do with the Swiss canton of Schaffhausen] {adj}Schaffhauser [indekl.]
geogr. [pertaining to the Swiss Canton of St. Gallen] {adj}sankt-gallisch
Helvetian {adj} [Swiss]helvetisch [schweizerisch]
gastr. treat [titbit] [Swiss: sweet] [also a treat for dogs, horses, etc.]
Leckerli {n} [ugs.] [schweiz.] [sonst bes. Belohnung für Haustiere]
RadioTV Tagesschau [German news magazine, Swiss news magazine]
Tagesschau {f}
gastr. rösti [Swiss potato dish]
Rösti {f}
admin. jobs transp. [Swiss commuter tax credit]
Fahrkostenabzug {m} [schweiz.]
travel TrVocab. [bus service run by the Swiss post office]
Postautoverbindung {f} [schweiz.]
curr. rappen [hundredth of a Swiss franc]
Rappen {m} <Rp.> [schweizerische Währungseinheit]
comm. market. Swissness [label 'Swiss made']
Swissness [ohne Artikel] [Marke Schweiz]
pol. [1989 referendum proposal to abolish the Swiss army]Armeeabschaffungsinitiative {f} [1989]
admin. transp. [1992 Swiss referendum that approved the Gotthard Base Tunnel]Neat-Abstimmung {f} [schweiz.]
gastr. [a hearty Swiss breakfast]Puurezmorge {m} [schweiz.] [auch Buurezmorge] [Bauernfrühstück]
pol. [a Sunday on which the Swiss vote on referenda]Abstimmungssonntag {m} [ugs.] [Schweiz]
[a Swiss female hailing from one of the founding cantons of Switzerland]Urschweizerin {f}
[a Swiss person hailing from one of the founding cantons of Switzerland]Urschweizer {m}
transp. [announcement to passengers on Swiss public transport]ÖV-Durchsage {f} [schweiz.]
bibl. law [article pertaining to bicycles in the Swiss federal constitution]Veloartikel {m} der Bundesverfassung [Schweiz]
admin. pol. [chief magistrate of certain Swiss cantons]Landammann {m} [schweiz.]
geogr. hist. [collective name for the cantons in the oldest Swiss confederation]Waldstätte {f} [Urschweiz]
jobs [compensation to Swiss employers for reducing employee hours rather than laying them off]Kurzarbeitsentschädigung {f}
pol. [dispute over composition or actions of the Swiss federal council]Konkordanzstreit {m} [Kompromisskultur zwischen Parteien bei der Bundesratswahl] [Schweiz]
[female native of the city of St. Gallen / St Gall or of the Swiss canton of St. Gallen / St Gall]Sankt Gallenerin {f} <St. Gallenerin> [auch: Sankt-Gallenerin]
[female native of the city of St. Gallen / St Gall or of the Swiss canton of St. Gallen / St Gall]Sankt Gallerin {f} <St. Gallerin> [auch: Sankt-Gallerin]
ethn. [female native of the city of Zug or of the Swiss canton of Zug]Zugerin {f}
[female native of the Swiss town of Engelberg in Obwalden Canton]Engelbergerin {f}
[festival at a Swiss high school]Kantifest {n} [schweiz.]
pol. [German name of the Swiss communist party since 1944]Partei {f} der Arbeit der Schweiz <PdA> [seit 1944, vorher <KPS>]
admin. jobs [head of a Swiss state health department]Gesundheitsvorsteher {m} [schweiz.]
med. [highest medical officer in Swiss army]Oberfeldarzt {m} [Schweiz]
pol. [member of the SVP, Swiss people's Party]SVPler {m} [ugs.] [kurz für: Mitglied der Schweizerischen Volkspartei] [Schweiz]
pol. [member of the Swiss FDP]Freisinniger {m} [schweiz.] [Mitglied der Schweizer FDP]
sports [nickname of the Swiss national soccer team]Nati {f} [ugs.] [schweiz. für: Schweizer Fußballnationalmannschaft]
[nostalgic Swiss abroad longing to return home]Heimwehschweizer {pl} [schweiz.] [Schweizer, die Heimweh haben]
pol. [person using traditional Swiss cowbells in protests against COVID-19 public safety measures]Freiheitstrychler {m} [schweiz.]
pol. [presiding officer of Austrian parliament or of the lower house of the Swiss parliament]Nationalratspräsident {m}
urban [Station Street] [street name in many German, Austrian and Swiss cities and towns]Bahnhofstraße {f}
gastr. med. pol. [struggle whether to allow use of outdoor dining terraces at Swiss ski resorts during the pandemic]Terrassenstreit {m}
educ. [student of a Swiss Kantonsschule]Kantischüler {m} [ugs.] [schweiz.] [auch: Kanti-Schüler] [Schüler einer Kantonsschule]
insur. [Swiss accident insurance and prevention firm]Suva {f} [schweiz.]
mus. [Swiss brass + percussion carnival band]Guggemusig {f} [schweiz.]
gastr. [Swiss Christmas cookies]Totenbeinli {pl} [schweiz. Weihnachtsgebäck]
mus. [Swiss diatonic button accordion]Schwyzerörgeli {n} [schweiz.] [auch: Örgeli]
hist. [Swiss fascist movement]Frontenbewegung {f} [auch: Frontismus]
hist. pol. [Swiss fascists]Fröntler {pl} [schweiz.] [ugs.] [Frontisten, Schweizer Anhänger des Faschismus]
law [Swiss law about compensation for loss of earnings during mandatory military service]Erwerbsersatzgesetz {n} [schweiz.]
[Swiss museum of transportation in Lucerne]Verkehrshaus {n} der Schweiz [Luzern]
[Swiss pejorative term referring to Germans]Schwaben {pl} [schweiz.] [pej.] [Deutsche]
curr. [Swiss penny used during the Renaissance]Stäbler {m}
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