| English | German | |
| watery {adj} [coffee, soup, paint, etc.] | 584 dünn [Kaffee, Suppe, Farbe etc.] | |
| gastr. diluted {adj} {past-p} | 89 gestreckt [verdünnt, z. B. Suppe, Soße] | |
| agr. gastr. hort. vegetable {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bed, consumption, cultivation, dish, soup] | 53 Gemüse- [z. B. Beet, Verzehr, Anbau, Gericht, Suppe] | |
| fish gastr. eel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dish, farm, fry, larva, soup] | 37 Aal- [z. B. Gericht, Zuchtbetrieb, Brut, Larve, Suppe] | |
| gastr. instant {adj} [e.g. meal, soup, sauce, noodles] | 13 Fertig- [z. B. Gericht, Suppe, Soße, Nudeln] | |
| watery {adj} | 12 schlabberig [ugs.] [Brei, Suppe] | |
| watery {adj} [soup, beer etc.] | 10 labberig [ugs.] [Suppe, Bier etc.] | |
| watery {adj} [e.g. soup] | 5 schlabbrig [ugs.] [z. B. Brei, Suppe] | |
| gastr. thinned down {adj} {past-p} | gestreckt [verdünnt, z. B. Suppe, Soße] | |
| gastr. enriched with tomato paste {adj} [Am.] [postpos.] | tomatisiert [Soße, Suppe usw.] [mit Tomatenmark versetzt] | |
Verbs |
| to ladle sth. | 324 etw. schöpfen [Suppe etc.] | |
| gastr. to dilute | 83 strecken [verdünnen, z. B. Suppe, Soße] | |
| gastr. to crumble sth. [into sth., e.g. soup] | 20 etw.Akk. einbrocken [regional] [sonst veraltet] [Brot in Suppe etc.] | |
| gastr. to froth up [foam (up)] | aufschlagen [z. B. Suppe aufschäumen mit dem Stabmixer] | |
| to ladle out | ausschöpfen [Suppe etc.] | |
| gastr. to skim the fat off (of) sth. [e.g. the soup] | etw.Akk. abfetten [Fett abschöpfen, z. B. von einer Suppe] | |
| to have finished (off) sth. [e.g. soup, milk] | etw.Akk. aushaben [ugs.] [regional] [aufgegessen / ausgetrunken haben, z. B. Suppe, Milch] | |
| gastr. to make sth. go further [meal, soup, etc.] | etw.Akk. strecken [Essen, Suppe etc.] | |
| gastr. to thin sth. down [e.g. soup, sauce] | etw. strecken [verdünnen, z. B. Suppe, Soße] | |
Nouns |
| gastr. stock [broth e.g. for soup] | 2382 Fond {m} [Brühe z. B. für eine Suppe] | |
| gastr. stock | 271 Sud {m} [bes. von Fleisch, für Suppe] | |
| slurp | 42 Schlürfer {m} [Geräusch beim Essen von Suppe] | |
| gastr. entrée [Br.] | 12 Entrée {n} [erster Gang nach der Suppe] | |
| gastr. stracciatella | 8 Stracciatella {f} [Suppe] | |
| gastr. clear soup | Brühe {f} [Suppe] | |
| can of ... [beans, sauerkraut, soup, beer, etc.] | Dose {f} ... [Bohnen, Sauerkraut, Suppe, Bier usw.] | |
| gastr. hist. (Spartan) black soup | Spartanersuppe {f} [schwarze Suppe, Blutsuppe] | |
2 Words |
| gastr. to whisk sth. into sth. [e.g. an egg into the soup] | etw. in etw.Akk. einquirlen [z. B. ein Ei in die Suppe] | |
| gastr. hist. (Spartan) black broth | spartanische Suppe {f} [schwarze Suppe, Blutsuppe] | |
3 Words |
| to break bread into sth. [into milk, soup, coffee, etc.] | Brot in etw.Akk. einbröckeln [österr.] [in Milch, Suppe, Kaffee etc.] | |