| English | German  |  |
 | worthwhile {adj} | 3069 lohnenswert [nach verbreiteter Ansicht schlechter Stil für: lohnend] |  |
 | lackluster {adj} [Am.] | 749 farblos [Stil, Persönlichkeit] |  |
 | swag {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [style, behaviour] | 586 cool [ugs.] [Stil, Auftreten] |  |
 | vintage {adj} | 568 klassisch [in traditionellem Stil, alt] |  |
 | exalted {adj} [lofty, sublime] | 428 erhaben [z. B. Thema, Stil, Gedanke] |  |
 | crude {adj} [coarse, rude] | 424 vulgär [Benehmen, Stil etc.] |  |
 | wooden {adj} [style of acting etc.] | 311 papieren [trocken, unlebendig, steif (im Stil, Ausdruck)] |  |
 | vapid {adj} [style] | 242 kraftlos [Stil] |  |
 | eclectic {adj} | 198 vermischt [Stil] |  |
 | ling. elevated {adj} [style] | 187 gehoben <geh.> [Stil] |  |
 | polished {adj} [dialogue] | 167 geschliffen [Stil, Ausdrucksweise etc.] |  |
 | sententious {adj} | 151 geschwollen [Stil] [pej.] |  |
 | journ. lit. racy {adj} [style] | 131 flott [Stil] |  |
 | barren {adj} [style, subject] | 98 trocken [Stil, Thematik] |  |
 | pithy {adj} | 67 gehaltvoll [Stil] |  |
 | lacklustre {adj} [Br.] | 54 farblos [Stil, Persönlichkeit] |  |
 | florid {adj} | 39 blumig [Stil] |  |
 | eloquent {adj} | 37 gewandt [Sprechweise, Ausdruck, Stil, Redner] |  |
 | rarified {adj} {past-p} [spv. of rarefied] [elevated in style] | 36 anspruchsvoll [Stil] |  |
 | flatulent {adj} [style] | 29 geschwollen [Stil] |  |
 | managerial {adj} [e.g. skills, functions, level, style, staff] | 23 Führungs- [z. B. Qualitäten, Aufgaben, Ebene, Stil, Personal] |  |
 | ornate {adj} | 22 blumig [Stil] |  |
 | dainty {adj} | 22 verspielt [Stil, Ornament etc.] |  |
 | epistolary {adj} [e.g. form, correspondence, style, novel] | 13 Brief- [z. B. Form, Wechsel, Stil, Roman] |  |
 | homely {adj} [Br.] [person, style etc.] | 13 hausbacken [pej.] [Person, Stil etc.] |  |
 | flatulent {adj} [style] | 12 schwülstig [Stil] |  |
 | barren {adj} [style, subject] | 6 strohtrocken [oft ugs.] [Stil, Thematik: sehr trocken, unangenehm trocken] |  |
 | textil. bohemian-print {adj} [attr.] | [mit folkloristischen Mustern im böhmischen / mitteleuropäischen Stil] |  |
 | pythonesque {adj} [Br.] | bizarr [im Stil Monty Pythons] |  |
 | ling. euphuistic {adj} [style] | euphuistisch [Stil] [schwülstig] |  |
 | stereotyped {adj} | formelhaft [Sprache, Stil] |  |
 | footnoting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. style, ritual, system] | Fußnoten- [z. B. Stil, Ritual, System] |  |
 | ling. stiltedly {adv} | geschraubt [ugs.] [pej.] [in der Rede, im Stil] |  |
 | cloth. ladylike {adj} [fashion, style] [in a slightly pej. sense] | madamig [ugs.] [Kleidung, Stil] |  |
 | lit. self-conscious {adj} | reflektiert [Prosa, Stil] |  |
 | heavy-handed {adj} | umständlich [Stil] |  |
 | rough-hewn {adj} [also fig.: person, style] | ungehobelt [auch fig., Person, Stil] |  |
Nouns |
 | style | 183 Art {f} [Stil] |  |
 | vein [style] | 167 Manier {f} [Stil] |  |
 | verbosity | 81 Geschwätzigkeit {f} [im Stil von Rede oder Schrift] |  |
 | fluidity | 28 Flüssigkeit {f} [von Stil] |  |
 | style | 25 Aufmachung {f} [Stil, Gestaltung] |  |
 | grandiloquence [language, style, speech] | 21 Geschwollenheit {f} [pej.] [Rede, Stil: Bombast, Schwülstigkeit] |  |
 | art lit. mus. postmodernism | 15 Postmoderne {f} [Stil] |  |
 | discontinuity | 14 Bruch {m} [im Stil] |  |
 | concinnity | 12 Feinheit {f} [Stil etc.] |  |
 | law abactor [archaic] | 8 Viehdieb {m} [im großen Stil] |  |
 | ling. style [of speaking or writing] | 7 Diktion {f} [Stil] |  |
 | cape [Am.] [coll.] [Cape Cod style house] | 6 [1 1/2-stöckiges Einfamilienhaus im Stil der Häuser in Cape Cod, USA] |  |
 | comp. Internet webzine | 6 Webzine {n} [Internet-Portal im Magazin-Stil] |  |