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| by {prep} [according to] [e.g. by my watch, by today's standards] | 53 nach [+Dat.] [z. B. nach meiner Uhr, nach heutigen Maßstäben] | |
| regularly {adv} [conforming to accepted standards etc.] | 34 ordnungsgemäß | |
| exacting {adj} [e.g. demands, standards] | 32 hoch [z. B. Anforderungen, Ansprüche] | |
| correct {adj} [conforming with accepted standards] | 16 ordnungsgemäß [korrekt] | |
| correct {adj} [conforming with rules or accepted standards] | 12 vorschriftsmäßig [korrekt] | |
| fast {adj} [Am.: flouting moral standards] [lady] | 12 halbseiden [fig.] [Dame] | |
Verbs |
| to apply sth. [a dressing, standards, etc.] | 724 etw.Akk. anlegen [einen Verband, Maßstäbe etc.] | |
| to relax sth. [e.g. standards, conditions, controls] | 118 etw.Akk. lockern [z. B. Standards, Bedingungen, Kontrollen] | |
| to slip [decline] | 32 fallen [Standards, Moral etc.] | |
| to standardize | 12 vorschreiben [Normen, Standards etc.] | |
| to standardize | 8 festsetzen [Normen, Standards etc.] | |
Nouns |
| compliance [meeting rules, standards] | 1363 Regelbefolgung {f} | |
| abasement [lowering of standards] | 55 Niedergang {m} [Verfall, z. B. von Werten] | |
| archi. art lit. classicist [orientated towards classic standards] | 7 Klassizist {m} | |
| educ. [framework of standards for higher education] | Hochschulraum {m} [fig.] | |
| admin. tech. [technical standards in the former GDR, 1955-1990] | Technische Normen, Gütevorschriften und Lieferbedingungen <TGL> [DDR] | |
| QM [the totality of all DIN standards] | Deutsches Normenwerk {n} [die Gesamtheit der DIN-Normen] | |
2 Words: Others |
| high-toned {adj} [aspiring to high standards] | anspruchsvoll | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to comply with sth. [standards] | etw.Dat. entsprechen [Normen] | |
| to return to sth. [values, standards, etc.] | sich auf etw. zurückbesinnen [etw. wiederaufgreifen (Werte, Standards etc.)] | |
| to sin against sth. [against principles, standards etc.] | gegen etw.Akk. verstoßen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| (certified) B corporation [Am.] [private certification] | [Unternehmen, das sich verpflichtet hat, bestimmte ökolog. und soziale Standards zu erfüllen] | |
| EU Community standards [standards binding all EU members] | Gemeinschaftsnormen {pl} | |
| law consequential amendments | Folgeänderungen {pl} [Regeln, Standards, Gesetze] | |
| automot. ecol. cycle beating [cheating on emission standards] | Zykluserkennung {f} [Betrug bei Emissionsnormen] | |
| DIN V [pre-issue of DIN standards] | DIN V {f} [DIN-Vornorm] | |
| econ. jobs exempt employee [Am.] [acc. to the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)] | außertariflicher Angestellter {m} <AT> | |
| econ. jobs exempt employee [Am.] [acc. to the provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)] | außertariflicher Mitarbeiter {m} <AT, AT-Mitarbeiter> | |
| comp. metadata standards | Metadatenstandards {pl} [auch: Metadaten-Standards] | |
| moral standards {pl} | Moralbegriff {m} [moralische Standards] | |
| comp. QM registration authority <RA> [body given the responsibility of maintaining lists of codes under international standards] | Registrierungsstelle {f} [eine Instanz innerhalb einer Sicherheitsinfrastruktur] | |
| med. QM substandard care <SSC> | [Nichtbeachtung des medizinischen Standards im Sinne eines Behandlungsfehler] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to lower the bar [to lower the standards of quality] | die Anforderungen herabsetzen | |
| to lower the bar [to lower the standards of quality] | die Anforderungen herunterschrauben | |
| to lower the bar [to lower the standards of quality] | die Erwartungen herunterschrauben | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| Acceptance Quality Limit <AQL> [standards] | AQL-Wert {m} [Normen] | |
| econ. EU QM field of application [standards] | Geltungsbereich {m} [Richtlinien] | |
| engin. tech. Japanese Industrial Standards <JIS> | [Standards, die in Japan bei industriellen Aktivitäten eingesetzt werden] | |
| pol. Parliament sleaze watchdog [coll.] [Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards] [Br.] | [Sittenwächter des britischen Parlaments] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to come up to scratch [coll.] [to meet standards] | (die) Standards erfüllen | |
| to step out of line [idiom] [fail to conform to standards, rules, etc.] | ausscheren | |
5+ Words: Others |
| acc. according to the International Financial Reporting Standards {adv} <IFRS> [until 2001 published as: International Accounting Standards <IAS>] | gemäß den internationalen Rechnungslegungsstandards | |
| EU Replies to requests for interpretation of EN ... [standards] | Antworten auf Anfragen zur Interpretation von EN ... [Norm] | |