Dictionary English German: [Stadion]

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

sports terrace [Br.] [stadium]
Tribüne {f} [Stadion]
sports terraces
Stehplätze {pl} [im Stadion]
sports stands [large raised tiered structure for spectators, typically at a sporting venue]
Ränge {pl} [bes. Stadion]
sports nosebleed section [coll.][Sitzplätze im Stadion, die ganz oben sind]
ground attendance [stadium event]Besucherzahl {f} [in einem Stadion]
sports ice hockey stadiumEishockeystadion {n} [auch: Eishockey-Stadion]
sports away supporters {pl} [section]Gästeblock {m} [im Stadion]
sports supporters' section [in a stadium]Gästeblock {m} [im Stadion]
sports lion's den [coll.] [sport venue with an inflamed atmosphere]Hexenkessel {m} [ugs.] [enthusiastische Fans in einem Stadion]
changing room [e.g. in a stadium]Kabine {f} [z. B. im Stadion]
sports running trackLaufbahn {f} [z. B. im Stadion]
archi. sports entrance [stadium architecture; opening in grandstands, terraces]Mundloch {n} [Durchbruch in den Tribünenstufen, Stadion-Architektur]
archi. sports vomitory [stadium architecture]Mundloch {n} [Stadion-Architektur]
archi. sports vomitories [stadium architecture; terraces / grandstands entrances]Mundlöcher {pl} [Stadion-Architektur]
sports Parc des PrincesPrinzenpark {m} [Stadion in Paris]
sports stadium atmosphereStadionatmosphäre {f} [auch: Stadion-Atmosphäre]
sports stadium ranking systemStadionklassifizierung {f} [auch: Stadion-Klassifizierung]
sports stadium managerStadionmanager {m} [auch: Stadion-Manager]
standing placesStehplätze {pl} [Theater, Stadion]
sports standing terraces {pl} [Br.]Stehtribüne {f} [im Stadion]
sports sector [in the football / soccer stadium]Zuschauersektor {m} [Bereich im Stadion]
2 Words
sports mixed zone [stadium]gemischte Zone {f} [Stadion]
neutral groundneutraler Platz {m} [auch für den Platz als Spielort, Stadion]
4 Words
mus. sports to play to an empty stadiumvor leeren Rängen spielen [in einem Stadion]
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