Dictionary English German: [Sole]

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solitary {adj} [sole]
one {adj} [sole]
tech. refrigerating {adj} [e.g. brine, capacity, chamber, coil, effect, water]Kühl- [z. B. Sole, Leistung, Raum, Schlange, Wirkung, Wasser]
cloth. grip [of the sole of a boot or shoe]
Rutschfestigkeit {f} [Griff / Griffigkeit einer Schuhsohle]
cloth. zoris [also: zori] [traditional Japanese style of flip-flop shoes, originally made with a straw sole]Zori {pl} [Zōri, traditionelle japanische Zehenstegsandalen (Strohsandalen)]
2 Words
slip-resistant {adj} [sole, socks etc]rutschfest
slip-resistant {adj} [sole, socks etc]rutschsicher
cloth. material leather midsole [also: leather mid-sole]Lederzwischensohle {f}
med. moccasin infection [Tinea pedis plantaris] [fungal infection on the sole of the foot]Fußsohlenpilz {m} [Pilzinfektion auf der Fußsohle]
med. mute sole [normal foot sole reflex]stumme Sohle {f} [Ausbleiben der Zehenbeugung]
skid resistance [e.g. tire, sole of shoe]Gleitsicherheit {f} [Rutschfestigkeit]
3 Words
cloth. sports multi-studded sole [esp. sole of a football boot]Multinockensohle {f} [bes. Sohle eines Fußballschuhs]
sb.'s all in all [sole object of one's interest, love]jds. Ein und Alles {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The City of the Sun [La Città del Sole] [Tomasso Campanella]Der Sonnenstaat
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