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|  |
 | she {pron} | 2902 sie [3. Pers. Singular, Nominativ] |  |
 | her {pron} [indirect object] | 1519 ihr [Personalpronomen: 3. Pers. Singular, Dativ] |  |
 | you {pron} [singular and plural subject and direct object] [formal] | 1432 Sie [formelle Anrede] |  |
 | you {pron} [singular and plural indirect object] | 1317 Ihnen [formelle Anrede] |  |
 | her {pron} [determiner] [e.g. her sister, her address, her parents] | 562 ihre [3. Pers. Singular] [z. B. ihre Schwester, ihre Adresse, ihre Eltern] |  |
 | her {pron} [direct object] | 383 sie [3. Pers. Singular, Akkusativ] |  |
 | everybody {pron} [+verb in the singular] | 251 alle [+Verb im Plural] [jeder, jedermann] |  |
 | they {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "he" or "she" or "he or she"] | 147 [geschlechtsneutral, statt „er“ oder „sie“ oder „er oder sie“] |  |
 | people {pron} [with plural verb] | 69 man [mit Verb im Singular] |  |
 | them {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "him" or "her" or "him or her"] | 27 [geschlechtsneutral, statt „ihn“ oder „sie“ oder „ihn oder sie“] |  |
 | their {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "his" or "her" or "his or her"] | 20 [geschlechtsneutral, statt „sein“ oder „ihr“ oder „sein oder ihr“] |  |
 | -ics {suffix} [when a branch of science, usually with the singular (ethics is)] | -ik |  |
 | [contraction of »before the«, + male singular accusative / + plural dative] | vorn [ugs. für: vor den] |  |
 | sb. beareth sth. [archaic] [third-person singular simple present indicative form of bear] | jd. übt etw.Akk. aus. |  |
Nouns |
 | sports WAG [singular derived from "wives and girlfriends"] [Br.] [coll., often hum. or slightly pej.] | 35 Spielerfrau {f} [bes. als Klischee] |  |
 | tech. fines [no singular] | 24 Feinteile {pl} |  |
 | bang [Am.] [rare in singular] [hairdo] | 20 Stirnfranse {f} |  |
 | anat. member [Membrum] | 19 Gliedmaße {f} [selten im Singular] |  |
 | hist. med. phys. iatromechanics [{pl} but usually singular in construction] | 16 Iatromechanik {f} |  |
 | med. phys. iatrophysics [{pl} but usually singular in construction] | 15 Iatrophysik {f} |  |
 | dent. med. afterpain [singular only] | 13 Nachschmerz {m} |  |
 | gastr. amaretti {pl} [Italian almond-flavoured biscuits] | Amaretti {pl} [selten im Singular: Amaretto {m}; Mandelgebäck] |  |
 | mining blackdamp [singular] | matte Wetter {pl} |  |
 | games toys chatterbox [paper fortune teller] | Himmel und / oder Hölle <HoH> [mit Verb im Singular] [Fingerspiel, Papierspiel] |  |
 | mining chokedamp [singular] [Br.] | matte Wetter {pl} |  |
 | esot. math. med. iatromathematics [{pl} but usually singular in construction] | Iatromathematik {f} |  |
 | ethn. Koori [Aus.] [both singular and plural] | [Eingeborene aus Viktoria oder Neusüdwales] |  |
 | ethn. Murri [Aus.] [both singular and plural] | [Eingeborene aus Queensland und den Torres-Strait-Inseln] |  |
 | spec. paddles [water engineering, lock] | Schütze {pl} [Singular: Schütz {n}] [Wasserbau, Schleuse] |  |
 | spec. paddles [water engineering, lock] | Schützen {pl} [Singular: Schütze {f}] [Wasserbau, Schleuse] |  |
 | pharm. parenteral | Parenteralium {n} [selten im Singular] |  |
 | relig. Shavuot {pl} [treated as sg. or pl.] | Schawuot {pl} [ohne Artikel; mit Prädikat im Singular; selten {n}, z. B.: am Tag eines Schawuot] [auch: Schawuoth] |  |
 | mus. timpano [singular for the more common plural, timpani] | Timpano {m} |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | cloth. flat-heeled {adj} [here: shoe or shoes (singular or plural)] | mit flachem Absatz [nachgestellt] [zugehöriges Substantiv im Singular oder Plural] |  |
 | cloth. high-heeled {adj} [here: shoe or shoes (singular or plural)] | mit hohem Absatz [nachgestellt] [zugehöriges Substantiv im Singular oder Plural] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | all sb.'s doings {pl} | jds. Tun und Lassen [mit Verb im Singular] |  |
 | games toys cootie catcher | Himmel und Hölle [mit Verb im Singular] [Papierspiel] |  |
 | games toys cootie catcher | Pfeffer und Salz [mit Verb im Singular] [regional für: Himmel und Hölle] [Fingerspiel, Papierspiel] |  |
 | relig. cultural hermeneutics [usually treated as a singular] | Kulturhermeneutik {f} |  |
 | relig. Eighteen Benedictions {pl} [Jewish prayer; often takes a singular verb] | Achtzehngebet {n} |  |
 | games toys fortune teller [paper toy] | Himmel und / oder Hölle <HoH> [mit Verb im Singular] [Fingerspiel, Papierspiel] |  |
 | her pain {sg} | ihre Schmerzen {pl} [ihre: 3. Pers. Singular] |  |
 | misery guts [coll.] [used as a singular: a misery guts] | Miesepeter {m} [ugs.] |  |
 | National Archives {pl} [Am.] [construed as singular] | Nationalarchiv {n} |  |
 | National Archives {pl} [Am.] [construed as singular] | Staatsarchiv {n} |  |
 | owner-manager | Alleineigentümer und Geschäftsführer [Ausdruck im {m} mit Prädikat im Singular] |  |
 | pol. peace effort [singular] | Friedensbemühungen {pl} |  |
 | cloth. plus fours <plus 4s> | Knickerbocker {pl} [ugs. auch Singular {f}] |  |
 | cloth. plus twos <plus 2s> [knickerbockers] | Knickerbocker {pl} [ugs. auch Singular {f}] |  |
 | police summons [treated as singular] | polizeiliche Vorladung {f} |  |