Dictionary English German: [S Afr]

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Partial Matches
gastr. to braai [S.Afr.]grillen
jobs bossboy [S.Afr.]Vorarbeiter {m}
braai [S.Afr.]Grillfest {n}
zool. T
dorp [S.Afr.]Dorf {n}
gastr. frikkadel [S.Afr.]Frikadelle {f}
kraal [S.Afr.]Kral {m}
hist. mil. laager [S.Afr.]Wagenburg {f}
bot. T
Mais {m}
mealie [S.Afr.]Maiskolben {m}
mealies [S.Afr.]Maiskolben {pl}
bot. T
Mais {m}
mielie [S.Afr.]Maiskolben {m}
stoep [S.Afr.]Veranda {f}
pol. toenadering [S.Afr.]Annäherung {f}
geogr. veld [S.Afr.]Buschland {n}
weapons assegaai [S.Afr.]Assagai {m} [Speer]
weapons assegai [S.Afr.]Assagai {m} [Speer]
mining cocopan [esp. S.Afr.]Hunt {m}
zool. T
Ducker {m}
geogr. kloof [S.Afr.]tiefe Schlucht {f}
kopje [S.Afr.]kleiner Hügel {m}
geogr. geol. krantz [S.Afr.]steile Klippe {f}
location [S.Afr.] [township]Township {f}
agr. geogr. ouklip [S.Afr.] [hardpan]Ortstein {m}
Rooineks [S.Afr.] [derog.]Briten {pl}
shoeshine [Am.] [S.Afr.]Schuhputzen {n}
cloth. takkies [S.Afr.] [coll.]Tennisschuhe {pl}
hunting weapons double rifle [S.Afr.]Doppelbüchse {f}
kif {adj} [S.Afr.] [sl.]super [ugs.]
lekker {adj} [S.Afr.] [coll.]super [ugs.]
bot. T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
gastr. flapjack [Am.] [Can.] [S.Afr.]Pfannkuchen {m}
bot. T
jol [S.Afr.] [sl.]Fete {f} [ugs.]
orn. T
Turakos {pl}
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
parkade [Am.] [Can.] [S.Afr.]Parkhaus {n}
piccanin [S. Afr] [offensive]Aborigine-Baby {n}
mining reef [Aus.] [S.Afr.] [lode]Erzgang {m}
zool. T
biol. bot. hort. vygies [S.Afr.] [NZ] [Aizoaceae]Mittagsblumengewächse {pl}
comm. bottle shop [Aus.] [S.Afr.]Getränkemarkt {m}
law compulsory expropriation [S.Afr.] [Can.]Enteignung {f}
identity number [S.Afr.]Personalausweisnummer {f} [Personenkennzahl]
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