| English | German  |  |
 | constr. tech. supporting {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cable or rope, framework, rod, tube] | 7 Trag- [z. B. Seil, Werk, Stange, Rohr] |  |
 | constr. cut-to-length {adj} [pipe, bar stock, wood, etc.] | abgelängt [Rohr, Vollmaterial, Holz, usw.] |  |
 | tech. single-duct {adj} [attr.] | einzügig [z. B. Kanal, Rohr] |  |
 | auricular {adj} [e.g. nerve, tube] | Hör- [z. B. Nerv, Rohr] |  |
Verbs |
 | tech. to insulate (sth.) [e.g. roof, wall, pipe] | 114 (etw.Akk.) dämmen [isolieren, z. B. Dach, Wand, Rohr] |  |
 | tech. to splay [pipe, hole] | 21 weiten [Rohr, Bohrung] |  |
Nouns |
 | tech. branch | 18 Schenkel {m} [gekrümmtes Rohr, Winkelstahl] |  |
 | tech. branch [e.g. pipe] | 13 Abzweig {m} [z. B. Rohr] |  |
 | mus. bellpipe | [im Schalltrichter endendes Rohr von Blechblasinstrumenten] |  |
 | tech. ducted sensor | [über ein Rohr angeschlossener Sensor] |  |
 | tech. stud welding | Bestiftung {f} [Rohr] [Bolzenschweißung] |  |
 | tech. S-bend [plumbing] | Geruchsverschluss {m} [Siphon, S-förmiges Rohr] |  |
 | tech. S-shaped trap [plumbing] | Geruchsverschluss {m} [Siphon, S-förmiges Rohr] |  |
 | tech. Y-piece | Hosenstück {n} [Rohr] |  |
 | tech. pipe length | Leitungslänge {f} [Rohr] |  |
 | air line | Luftleitung {f} [Rohr, Leitung] |  |
 | tech. special sized pipe | Passstück {n} [Rohr] |  |
 | tools pipe grip pliers {pl} [one pair] | Rohrgripzange {f} [auch: Rohr-Gripzange] |  |
 | agr. FoodInd. cane vinasse | Rohrvinasse {f} [auch: Rohr-Vinasse] |  |
 | weapons windage | Spielraum {m} [eines Geschosses im Rohr] |  |
 | tech. union connector | Steckverbindung {f} [Rohr, Schlauch] |  |
 | tech. union elbow | Steckverbindung {f} [Winkelstück, Rohr] |  |
 | overflow pipe | Überlauf {m} [Rohr] |  |
 | water outlet | Wasserablass {m} [Öffnung, Stutzen, Rohr etc.] |  |
2 Words |
 | tech. coupled {adj} [tube] | kraftschlüssig verbunden [Rohr] |  |
 | constr. PE pipe [polyethylene pipe] | PE-Rohr {n} [Polyethylen-Rohr] |  |