Dictionary English German: [Renaissance Instrumentalensemble]

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Partial Matches
mus. broken consortBroken Consort {n} [gemischtes Renaissance-Instrumentalensemble]
acad. hist. relig. Luther renaissance / RenaissanceLutherrenaissance {f}
hist. lit. Renaissance HumanismRenaissancehumanismus {m} [auch: Renaissance-Humanismus]
hist. philos. Renaissance philosophyRenaissancephilosophie {f} [auch: Renaissance-Philosophie]
curr. [Swiss penny used during the Renaissance]Stäbler {m}
curr. [Swiss penny used during the Renaissance]Stebler {m}
archi. pediment [in Roman or Renaissance style]Ziergiebel {m}
hist. mus. shawm [a medieval and Renaissance wind instrument]Ciaramella {f} [Schalmei]
hist. mus. shawm [a medieval and Renaissance wind instrument]Kalamaia {f} [Schalmei]
hist. mus. shawm [a medieval and Renaissance wind instrument]Schalmay {f} [Rsv.]
hist. mus. shawm [a medieval and Renaissance wind instrument]Schalmey {f} [Rsv.]
hort. formal gardenfranzösischer Garten {m} [geometrisch angelegter Renaissance- oder Barockgarten]
art hist. [perspective (in pre-renaissance painting) that sizes persons and objects according to importance]Bedeutungsperspektive {f}
cloth. braies {pl} [archaic]Bruoch {f} [europäische Unterhose in Mittelalter und Renaissance, meist von Männern getragen]
archi. hist. villaVilla {f} [römisch, Renaissance etc.]
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