| English  | German |  |
 | dead {adj} [railway line] | 304 stillgelegt |  |
 | defunct {adj} [of a railway line, factory etc.] | 261 stillgelegt |  |
 | elevated {adj} [e.g. road, railway / railroad; mood] | 24 Hoch- [z. B. Straße, Bahn; Gefühl] |  |
 | rail trailable {adj} [railway swicth] | 10 auffahrbar [Weiche] |  |
Nouns |
 | rail engine [railway locomotive] | 484 Lok {f} |  |
 | rail funicular [funicular railway] | 75 Standseilbahn {f} |  |
 | rail TrVocab. platform [raised structure beside a railway track where passengers embark and disembark at a station] | 45 Steig {m} [kurz für: Bahnsteig] |  |
 | rail traffic crossover [railway, tramway] | 14 Gleiswechsel {m} |  |
 | rail traffic travel road [railway] [Am.] | 12 Bahn {f} [Eisenbahn] |  |
 | rail depot [railway/tramway] | 8 Betriebsbahnhof {m} |  |
 | hist. rail [a light railway to transport rubble after WWII] | Trümmerbahn {f} |  |
 | automot. hist. transp. [bus run by railway company] | Bahnbus {m} |  |
 | rail [railway station served by long-distance trains] | Fernbahnhof {m} |  |
 | rail depot [railway/tramway] | Wagenhalle {f} [Depot] |  |
 | rail gricer [Br.] [coll.] [a fanatical railway enthusiast] | Eisenbahnfanatiker {m} |  |
 | rail Pullman [railway carriage] | Pullmanwagen {m} |  |
 | jobs rail pusher [Japanese railway station attendant] | Drücker {m} [Oshiya] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | rail transp. double-track {adj} [attr.] [railway, tramway] | zweigleisig |  |
 | rail metre gauge {adj} [railway / tramway] [Br.] | meterspurig |  |
 | rail transp. single-track {adj} [attr.] [railway, tramway] | eingleisig |  |
 | rail standard gauge {adj} [railway/tramway] | normalspurig |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | transp. articulated vehicle [railway/tramway] | Gelenkwagen {m} |  |
 | traffic transp. cable car [cable car railway] | Straßenseilbahn {f} [auch: Kabelbahn] |  |
 | rail classification yard [Am., Can. (Canadian National Railway)] | Verschiebebahnhof {m} [österr.] [veraltet fachspr. bes. nordd.] [veraltend ugs.] |  |
 | rail cliff railway [funicular railway] | Standseilbahn {f} |  |
 | hist. rail Death Railway [coll.] [Thailand-Burma Railway] | Todeseisenbahn {f} [ugs.] [Thailand-Burma-Eisenbahn] |  |
 | rail transp. TrVocab. departure board [railway station, bus stop] | Abfahrtstafel {f} [Bahnhof, Bushaltestelle] |  |
 | design speed [e.g. when planning tunnels, railway tracks] | Planungsgeschwindigkeit {f} [z. B. bei der Planung von Tunneln, Bahnstrecken] |  |
 | traffic domestic services {pl} [e.g. railway, bus] | Inlandsverkehr {m} [im Gegensatz zum grenzüberschreitenden Verkehr] |  |
 | transp. equipment car [railway/tramway] | Hilfsgerätezug {m} |  |
 | rail toys exchange wheelset [model railway] | Tauschradsatz {m} [Modelleisenbahn] |  |
 | agr. for. rail field railway [narrow gauge railway for transporting goods] | Feldbahn {f} [auch: Lorenbahn] |  |
 | rail transp. gauge widening [railway/tramway] | Spurerweiterung {f} |  |
 | rail transp. gauntlet track [railway, tramway] | Gleisverschlingung {f} |  |
 | rail transp. interlaced track [railway, tramway] | Gleisverschlingung {f} |  |
 | rail island railway [also: island's railway] [Br.] | Inselbahn {f} |  |
 | automot. transp. travel land train [trackless train (in the manner of a road-going railway train)] | Wegebahn {f} [Zugmaschine mit Anhänger/n zur Personenbeförderung, bes. im Freizeit- oder im Innenstadtbereich] |  |
 | rail marshalling yard [Br., Can. (Canadian Pacific Railway)] | Verschiebebahnhof {m} [österr.] [veraltet fachspr. bes. nordd.] [veraltend ugs.] |  |
 | rail transp. metre gauge [railway / tramway] [Br.] | Meterspur {f} |  |
 | rail transp. motor bogie [railway/tramway] | Triebdrehgestell {n} |  |
 | rail transp. passing loop [railway/tramway] | Ausweiche {f} |  |
 | rail transp. passing loop [railway/tramway] | Überholgleis {n} |  |
 | rail transp. power bogie [railway/tramway] | Triebdrehgestell {n} |  |
 | transp. powered bogie [Br.] [railway/tramway] | angetriebenes Drehgestell {n} |  |
 | transp. powered truck [Am.] [railway/tramway] | Fahrgestell {n} |  |
 | bike traffic TrVocab. rail trail [disused railway converted into a multi-use path] | Rad- und Wanderweg {m} auf stillgelegter Bahntrasse |  |
 | rail railroad wheelhouse [Am.] [turntable] [device for turning railway rolling stock] | Drehscheibe {f} |  |
 | rail railway wheelhouse [Br.] [railway turntable] [device for turning railway rolling stock] | Drehscheibe {f} |  |
 | transp. reversing loop [railway, tramway] | Kehrschleife {f} |  |
 | transp. reversing loop [railway, tramway] | Wendeschleife {f} |  |