Dictionary English German: [QUAD]

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spec. unit quad <quad, Q> [one quadrillion (10^15) BTU]Quad {n} <quad> [Maßeinheit der Energie im englischsprachigen Raum, 1 quad = 1 Billiarde BTU = ca. 1,055 EJ]
automot. four-wheeler [Am.] [Can.] [Aus.] [coll.] [quad bike]Quad {n}
sports quad lutz [also: quad Lutz] [coll.]Vierfach-Lutz {m}
sports quad lutz [also: quad Lutz] [coll.]vierfacher Lutz {m}
electr. hist. current dumping amplifier [QUAD 405]Stromablade-Verstärker {m} [selten] [QUAD 405; Current-Dumping-Verstärker]
mil. weapons quadruple antiaircraft gun [also: quad AA gun]Vierlingsflak {f} [auch: Flakvierling, Fla-Vierling]
electr. telecom. twisted quad (cable) [star quad]Twisted-Quad-Kabel {n}
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