| English | German | |
| wanted {adj} {past-p} [e.g. by the police] | 2982 gesucht [z. B. von der Polizei] | |
| port {adj} [attr.] [e.g. authority, map, police, tour, town] | 26 Hafen- [z. B. Behörde, Plan, Polizei, Rundfahrt, Stadt] | |
| rail railroad {adj} [attr.] [Am.] [e.g. area, embankment, gate, police] | 18 Bahn- [z. B. Gelände, Damm, Schranke, Polizei] | |
| of known identity {adj} | bekannt [z. B. der Polizei, einem Amt] | |
Verbs |
| law to seize | 663 sicherstellen [Polizei] | |
| to summon [police, fire brigade etc.] | 60 rufen [Polizei, Feuerwehr etc.] | |
| mil. to move out [army, police, etc.] | ausrücken [Heer, Polizei etc.] | |
| to cordon sth. off [esp. police: an accident scene, a crime scene, etc.] | etw.Akk. absichern [absperren] [bes. Polizei: eine Unfallstelle, einen Tatort etc.] | |
| to pull sb. over [police: cause a driver to the side of the road] | jdn. anhalten [Polizei: jdn. in seinem Fahrzeug zum Anhalten bringen] | |
| to fink on sb. [Am.] [sl.] [e.g. to the police] | jdn. anscheißen [ugs.] [derb] [beim Chef, der Polizei usw.] | |
| to bottle sb. up | jdn. einkesseln [bes. durch Polizei oder Militär] | |
| to take it on the lam [Am.] [coll.] | türmen [ugs.] [fliehen, bes. vor der Polizei] | |
| to clamp down [fig.] | zuschlagen [Polizei, Armee] | |
Nouns |
| precinct [Am.] | 499 Revier {n} [Polizei] | |
| report | 375 Meldung {f} [Medien, dienstlich, Polizei] | |
| operation | 283 Einsatz {m} [von Feuerwehr, Polizei etc.] | |
| surveillance | 274 Aufsicht {f} [Polizei] | |
| surveillance | 152 Beobachtung {f} [z. B. durch Polizei] | |
| lam [coll.] [flight, escape] | 139 Flucht {f} [bes. vor Polizei] | |
| cordon [chain of police etc.] | 76 Kette {f} [Postenkette, Absperrung durch Polizei etc.] | |
| dragnet | 58 Fangnetz {n} [der Polizei etc.] [fig.] | |
| escort | 55 Geleit {n} [geh.] [außer bei Polizei etc.] | |
| fink [Am.] [sl.] | 41 Informant {m} [der Polizei] | |
| district [police] | 34 Revier {n} [Polizei] | |
| police [treated as pl.] | 19 Gendarmerie {f} [bes. österr.] [veraltet] [Polizei] | |
| dispatch [Am.] [coll.] | 18 Zentrale {f} [z.B. Polizei, Taxi] | |
| patrolman [Am.] | 11 Wachtmeister {m} [Polizei] | |
| cops {pl} [coll.] [police] | 8 Polente {f} [ugs., pej.: Polizei] | |
| custodian helmet | [typische Kopfbedeckung der britischen Polizei] | |
| police line | Absperrband {n} [der Polizei] | |
| five-o [sl.] | Bullen {pl} [ugs.] [Polizei] | |
| warrant card [Br.] | Dienstausweis {m} [Polizei] | |
| patrol car [Am.] | Einsatzwagen {m} [Polizei] | |
| squad car | Einsatzwagen {m} [Polizei] | |
| FireResc incident room [esp. Br.] | Einsatzzentrale {f} [der Feuerwehr, Polizei etc.] | |
| war room [also fig.] | Einsatzzentrale {f} [für Krisensitzungen, Polizei, Wahlkampfteams etc.] | |
| law investigative tool [police] | Ermittlungsinstrument {n} [Polizei] | |
| jobs [member of the Austrian police force or prison officer] | Exekutivbediensteter {m} [österr.] [Polizei-/Vollzugsbeamter] | |
| (police) radio car | Funkwagen {m} [Polizei] | |
| a large number {sg} [usu. treated as pl.] [of police etc.] | Großaufgebot {n} [an / von Polizei etc.] | |
| law telecom. tip-line [Am.] [coll.] | Hinweistelefon {n} [Sonderleitung der Polizei] | |
| supergrass [Br.] [coll.] | Informant {m} [der Polizei] | |
| confidential informant <C.I., CI> | Informant {m} [für die Polizei] | |
| Internet Internet police [coll.] | Internetpolizei {f} [ugs.] [auch: Internet-Polizei] | |
| [German police internet service in most states allowing reporting of petty crime, complaints or praise] | Internetwache {f} [der Polizei] | |
| riot gear | Kampfausrüstung {f} [der Polizei] | |
| superintendent's office | Kommissariat {n} [Polizei] | |
| coordination staff | Koordinierungsstab {m} [Polizei, Militär etc.] | |
| co-ordination staff | Koordinierungsstab {m} [Polizei, Militär etc.] | |
| weapons lathi [Ind.] [a heavy pole, used as a club by police] | Lathi {m} [langer Schlagstock der ind. Polizei] | |