| English | German  |  |
 | hort. toasted {adj} [Am.] | 25 vertrocknet [Pflanze] [ugs.] |  |
 | pharm. medicinal {adj} [e.g. herbs, plant, clay] | 21 Heil- [z. B. Kräuter, Pflanze, Erde] |  |
 | pharm. medicinal {adj} [e.g. plant, product, substance, tea] | 20 Arznei- [z. B. Pflanze, Mittel, Stoff, Tee] |  |
 | biol. terrestrial {adj} [e.g. carnivore, fauna, mammal, plant, vertebrate] | 20 Land- [z. B. Raubtier, Fauna, Säuger, Pflanze, Wirbeltier] |  |
 | leafless {adj} | 19 kahl [Baum, Pflanze] |  |
 | med. pharm. healing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. arts, power, ointment, plant, sleep] | 18 Heil- [z. B. Kunst, Kraft, Salbe, Pflanze, Schlaf] |  |
 | agr. bot. field {adj} [attr.] [e.g. border, bindweed, horsetail, mint, plant, salad] | 9 Acker- [z. B. Rain, Winde, Schachtelhalm, Minze, Pflanze, Salat] |  |
 | bot. dioecious {adj} [plant] | 8 zweihäusig [Pflanze] |  |
 | bot. monoecious {adj} [plant] | einhäusig [Pflanze] |  |
 | young {adj} [e.g. animal, bird, cattle, plant, voter] | Jung- [z. B. Tier, Vogel, Vieh, Pflanze, Wähler] |  |
 | bot. dioecian {adj} [plant] | zweihäusig [Pflanze] |  |
Verbs |
 | bot. zool. to die | 168 eingehen [Pflanze, Tier] |  |
 | to defoliate | 27 entblättern [Pflanze] |  |
 | to displant | 18 ausreißen [Pflanze] |  |
 | to shed its / their leaves | abblättern [Pflanze] |  |
 | to strip off leaves | entblättern [Pflanze] |  |
 | med. to become diseased | erkranken [Organ, Pflanze, Tier] |  |
 | agr. for. to pull sth. up [a plant] | etw.Akk. ausreißen [eine Pflanze] |  |
 | to tie sth. up [one's hair, a plant, etc.] | etw.Akk. hochbinden [die Haare, eine Pflanze etc.] |  |
 | bot. to grow rampant | wuchern [Pflanze] |  |
Nouns |
 | bot. T | 1359 |  |
 | bot. stem | 650 Stiel {m} [Pflanze] |  |
 | denizen [formal or hum.] [inhabitant, esp. animal or plant occupying a particular place] | 442 Bewohner {m} [bes. Tier oder Pflanze einer bestimmten Region, z. B. des Waldes] |  |
 | bot. stalk | 242 Stiel {m} [Pflanze] |  |
 | bot. zool. identification [of a plant etc.] | 29 Bestimmung {f} [einer Pflanze etc.] |  |
 | bot. mandrake root | Alraunwurzel {f} [Wurzelstock der Mandragora-Pflanze] |  |
 | bot. annual [annual plant] | Annuelle {f} [annuelle Pflanze] |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | endives | Endiviensalat {m} [Pflanze] |  |
 | biol. exotic species | Exote {m} [Tier, Pflanze] |  |
 | agr. biotech. genetically modified plant | Genpflanze {f} [ugs.] [gentechnisch veränderte Pflanze] |  |
 | bot. plant | Gewüchs {n} [veraltet] [noch regional] [Gewächs, Pflanze] |  |
 | med. pharm. medicinal properties {pl} [e.g. of a plant] | Heilkraft {f} [z. B. einer Pflanze] |  |
 | med. pharm. medicinal properties [e.g. of a plant] | Heilkräfte {pl} [z. B. einer Pflanze] |  |
 | bot. evergreen plant | Immergrüngewächs {n} [immergrüne Pflanze] |  |