Dictionary English German: [Person ]

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mini-me [coll.] [person who resembles a smaller version of another person]Kleinausgabe {f} [ugs.] [Person, die wie eine Version in klein von jd. anders wirkt]
disorganized {adj} [of a person]unorganisiert [Person: ohne Plan, chaotisch]
short {adj} [of a person: small in height]klein [Person]
Partial Matches
bummer [Am.] [coll.] [incompetent person]Niete {f} [ugs.] [unfähige Person]
crowner [female] [person who crowns]Krönende {f} [Person die krönt]
eighth <8th> [eighth female person]Achte {f} <8.> [achte Person]
hunter [person who looks diligently for sth.]Sucher {m} [Person]
sports offense [Am.] [person or team]Angreifer {m} [Person oder Mannschaft]
squit [Br.] [coll.] [small person]kleiner Stöpsel {m} [ugs.] [Person]
hist. Thespian [female person from Thespiae]Thespierin {f} [Person aus Thespiai]
hist. Thespian [male person from Thespiae]Thespier {m} [Person aus Thespiai]
agr. jobs thresher [a person who threshes]Drescher {m} [Person; veraltete Berufsbezeichnung]
choked up {adj} [said of a person]ganz gerührt [Person]
cloth. short-sleeved {adj} [coll.] [person]in kurzen Ärmeln [nachgestellt] [Person]
EU law data processor [person according to GDPR]Auftragsverarbeiter {m} [Person nach DSGVO]
hatchet face [also coll. person]Raubvogelgesicht {n} [auch ugs. Person]
head-turner [coll.] [good-looking person]Hingucker {m} [ugs.] [Person]
discriminating {adj} [audience, person, etc.]kritisch [Blick, Person, Zuhörer]
each {adv} [per person]pro Nase [ugs.] [pro Person]
to walk [a person, horses]führen [Person, Pferd etc.]
character [person]Existenz {f} [ugs.] [Mensch, Person] [oft pej.]
economist [archaic] [thrifty person]Haushälter {m} [veraltet] [haushälterische Person]
eighth <8th> [eighth person]Achter {m} <8.> [achte Person]
menace [annoying person]Landplage {f} [fig.] [ugs.] [lästige Person]
personage [important or distinguished person]Persönlichkeit {f} [bedeutende Person]
hunting naut. sealer [boat or person]Robbenfänger {m} [Schiff oder Person]
stunner [coll.] [attractive person]Wucht {f} [ugs.] [umwerfende Person]
of figure {adj} [postpos.] [person]von Ansehen [nachgestellt] [Person]
med. VetMed. with tracheotomy {adj} [postpos.] [person, animal]tracheotomiert [Person, Tier]
old-timer [person] [coll.]Oldie {m} [hum.] [ältere Person]
according to whom [female person]der zufolge [Person]
according to whom [male person]dem zufolge [Person]
small in stature {adj} [person]von kleinem Wuchs [Person]
force of nature [of a person]Kraftnatur {f} [Person]
pol. icon of reconciliation [person]Ikone {f} der Versöhnung [Person]
attractive {adj} [person, clothing]fesch [österr.] [südd.] [attraktiv, von Person, Kleidungsstück]
porky {adj} [coll.] [fat (person)]fett [ugs.] [pej.] [sehr dick (Person)]
to crumple [suddenly flop down to the ground (person)]zusammensacken [ugs.] [Person]
[limping person]Hinkebein {n} [ugs.] [oft verspottend oder pej.] [hinkende Person]
asshole [Am.] [vulg.] [person]Pisser {m} [ugs.] [derb] [verachtenswerte männliche Person]
cormorant [Am.] [gluttonous person]gieriger Fresser {m} [ugs.] [meist pej.] [Person]
enby [sl.] [non-binary person]Enbie {n} [Jargon] [nicht-binäre Person]
hottie [esp. Am.] [coll.] [person]heiße Schnitte {f} [ugs.] [attraktive Person]
psych. hyphy [Am.] [sl.] [rambunctious, hyperactive person]Hypi {m} [ugs.] [hyperaktive Person]
mimickee [female person or animal]Nachahmerin {f} [Person / Tier weiblichen Geschlechts]
parti [a person considered eligible for marriage]Partie {f} [heiratswürdige Person]
snip [Am.] [coll.] [insignificant person]Würstchen {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [unbedeutende Person]
stomper [person]Stampfer {m} [ugs.] [aus Zorn oder Übermut stampfende Person]
valentine [person][Person, der man am Valentinstag einen Gruß schickt]
to be devastated [person] [idiom]am Boden zerstört sein [Person] [Redewendung]
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