Dictionary English German: [Pelz]

Translation 1 - 7 of 7

fox {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cub, family, fur, hunt, species]
Fuchs- [z. B. Welpe, Familie, Pelz, Jagd, Art]
to envelop sb./sth. in sth. [e.g. in a fur]jdm./etw. etw. umschlagen [z. B. einen Pelz]
cloth. ermine [fur]
Hermelin {m} [Pelz]
musquashBisam {m} [Pelz]
cloth. real furEchtpelz {m} [echter Pelz]
fur sideHaarseite {f} [von Pelz]
hair sideHaarseite {f} [von Pelz]
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