Dictionary English German: [Orthodox]

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relig. frumm {adj} [Jewish sl.] [also spelled frum] [strictly orthodox]
strenggläubig [ultraorthodox] [Judentum]
relig. Haredi {adj} [strictly Orthodox] [Judaism]charedisch [strenggläubig] [Judentum]
relig. crowning [Orthodox wedding]
Bekränzung {f} [orthodoxe Trauung]
relig. acathistus [Marian office in the Orthodox Church]Akathistos {m}
relig. bema [sanctuary in Orthodox churches]Bema {n} [abgeschlossener Raum in orthodoxen Kirchen]
publ. relig. Euchologion [Orthodox and Uniat liurgical book]Euchologion {n}
relig. Orthros [Orthodox matins]Orthros {m}
relig. spec. proskomide [preparation of the oblations in the Orthodox liturgy]Proskomide {f} [selten]
cloth. relig. spec. schema [monastic habit of the Orthodox monks]Schima {n} [Mönchsgewand der Ostkirche]
mus. relig. spec. sticheron [type of hymn in the Orthodox liturgy]Sticheron {n}
relig. synod [Orthodox, esp. Russian]Synod {m}
mus. relig. typicon [Orthodox manual of liturgical instructions]Typikon {n}
2 Words
relig. strictly Orthodox {adj} [Judaism]strenggläubig [streng orthodox] [Judentum]
relig. ultra-Orthodox {adj} [pej.] [strictly Orthodox] [Judaism]ultraorthodox [ugs.] [strenggläubig] [Judentum]
pol. relig. chief prosecutor [Russian Orthodox Church]Oberprokurator {m}
relig. Flower Triodion [Pentecostarion] [Orthodox Church]Blumentriodion {n} [Pentekostarion]
relig. Flowery Triodion [Pentecostarion] [Orthodox Church]Pentekostarion {n} [russisch-orthodoxe Kirche]
relig. Great Feasts [of the Orthodox Church]Hochfeste {pl} [der Orthodoxen Kirche]
sports left stance [orthodox stance] [boxing]Linksauslage {f} [Boxsport]
relig. Little Entrance [Orthodox Liturgy]Kleiner / kleiner Einzug {m}
hist. relig. Old Believer [female] [Russian Orthodox Church]Altgläubige {f}
hist. relig. Old Believer [Russian Orthodox Church]Altgläubiger {m}
relig. Old BelieversAltgläubige {pl} [russisch-orthodox]
3 Words
hist. relig. spec. imperial high commissioner [Russian Orthodox Church]Oberprokuror {m}
4 Words
hist. relig. All-Russian (Church) CouncilLandeskonzil {n} [russisch-orthodox]
hist. relig. Most Holy Governing Synod [Russian Orthodox Church 1721-1917]Heiligster Regierender Synod {m}
relig. St. Barbara (of Nicomedia) [in the Eastern Orthodox Church: the Great Martyr Barbara](hl.) Barbara {f} (von Nikomedien)
5+ Words
relig. Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria [Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria]Koptisch-Orthodoxe Kirche {f} von Alexandrien
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