Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [Name]

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» Nur in dieser Sprache suchen


» Nur in dieser Sprache suchen

to proceed to [e.g. name of continent, country, town, island, cardinal direction - but only without article]sich begeben nach [geh.]
to proceed to [e.g. name of island(s) - but only with article]sich begeben auf [geh.]
to proceed to [e.g. name of person, shop; the office, the church, my sister]sich begeben zu [geh.]
2 Wörter: Substantive
acad. archaeo. hist. antiquarian society [capitalized as part of proper name]Altertumsverein {m}
comp. authoritative nameserver [also: authoritative name server]Autoritative-Name-Server {m} [auch: Authoritative Name Server]
zool. baa-lamb [child's name for a lamb or sheep]Bähschaf {n} [Kindersprache] [Schaf]
mus. BACH motif [succession of notes in German musical nomenclature forming Johann Sebastian Bach's family name](Motiv) B-A-C-H {n} [Tonfolge, die den Familiennamen Johann Sebastian Bachs umsetzt]
hist. naut. Black Ships [Japanese name for Western vessels]Schwarze Schiffe {pl}
hist. blood-mill [coll.] [fig.] [figurative name of the battle of Verdun, WWI 1916]Blutmühle {f} [ugs.] [fig.] [bildliche Bezeichnung für die Schlacht von Verdun, 1. WK 1916]
mus. Blumlein pair [is the name of a stereo recording technique invented by Alan Blumlein]Blumlein-Stereosystem {n}
libr. cantonal library [capitalized as proper name]Kantonsbibliothek {f}
geogr. geol. chalk hill [capitalized as a proper name]Kreidehügel {m}
geogr. Chang JiangChang Jiang {m} [amtlicher Name des Jangtsekiang]
oenol. cleanskin (wine) [Aus.] [wine whose label does not indicate the name of the winery or the winemaker][(billiger) Wein ohne Angabe des Abfüllers auf dem Etikett]
common nameVolksname {m} [volkstümlicher Name]
acad. biol. common name [non-scientific name]Trivialname {m}
geogr. Côte d'Ivoire <.ci> [official name for Ivory Coast]Elfenbeinküste {f}
med. disease name [name of a / the disease]Krankheitsname {m}
comp. DNS query [DNS = domain name server]DNS-Anfrage {f} [DNS = Domain Name Server]
electr. ind. electricity works [rare or as part of a proper name]Elektrizitätswerke {pl}
engraved bracelet [bracelet with engraving (e.g. name)]Gravurarmband {n} [Armband mit Gravur]
geogr. hydro. Esch (River) [French name: Esche]Esch {m} [Frankreich]
law Estate of [+ Name]Nachlassangelegenheit {f} [+ Name]
federal flag [name of Germany's national flag]Bundesflagge {f}
ling. name First Grammarian [later name of the anonymous Old Icelandic author of the First Grammatical Treatise]Erster Grammatiker {m} [späterer Name des anonymen altisländischen Autors des Ersten Grammatischen Traktats]
ling. Fon (language) [native name: Fon gbè]Fon {n} [Eigenbezeichnung: Fɔngbè]
educ. free school [also Free School, as a proper name]Freischule {f}
hist. mil. pol. Freedom War [Am.] [name of the Civil War 1861 - 1865] [used primarily to express a Black viewpoint]Freiheitskrieg {m} [Name für den US Bürgerkrieg 1861 - 1865 vornehmlich als Ausdruck der Sichtweise der Afroamerikaner]
admin. relig. given name [baptismal name]Taufname {m}
pol. Hellenic Republic [official name of the country Greece]Hellenische Republik {f} [offizieller Landesname Griechenlands]
mil. naut. Home Fleet [traditional name of the fleet of the RN which protected the UK's territorial waters 1902 - 1967]Heimatflotte {f} [traditioneller Name der Flotte der RN, die die Hoheitsgewässer GB's schützte 1902 - 1967]
acad. ind. industrial museum [capitalized as a proper name]Gewerbemuseum {n}
geogr. King's Square [Munich] [usually a gloss after the untranslated German name]Königsplatz {m} [München]
ling. Ktav Ashuri [traditional Hebrew language name of the Hebrew alphabet]hebräisches Alphabet {n}
name spec. local name [place name used instead of a surname]Vulgoname {m} [österr.]
metal plate [showing name, info etc.]Metallschild {n}
gastr. mole (sauce) [molé]Mole-Sauce {f} [Name für verschied. Saucen der mexikan. Küche]
ethn. hist. Mountain Turks [official Turkish name for Kurds until 1980]Bergtürken {pl}
astron. naval observatory [capitalized when part of a proper name]Marinesternwarte {f}
geogr. hist. New Holland [historical name for the western part of Australia]Neuholland {n} [historische Bezeichnung für den Westteil Australiens]
non- [name of company / manufacturer] accessoriesFremdzubehör {n}
non- [name of company / manufacturer] systemFremdsystem {n}
rail North Station [proper name]Nordbahnhof {m}
Ol' Sparky [coll.][ugs. Name für den elektrischen Stuhl]
mus. Paris Opera [official name: Opéra national de Paris]Pariser Oper {f}
ethn. people's name [name of a people]Volksname {m} [Name eines Volkes]
post-nominals {pl} [post-nominal letters] [name suffix, e.g. GC, MBE, FRGS]Namenszusatz {m} [hinter dem Namen, z. B. MdL, VDI]
pre-nominals {pl} [pre-nominal letters] [name prefix, e.g. Mr., Ms., EUR ING]Namenszusatz {m} [vor dem Namen, z. B. Dr. med., Dipl.-Phys., Mag.]
relig. rabbis conference [also: rabbis' conference] [capitalized as part of a proper name]Rabbinerkonferenz {f}
tech. RadioTV RCA jack [name derives from Radio Corporation of America]Cinch-Stecker {m}
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