| English | German  |  |
 | wan {adj} [e. g. moon, light] | 1082 blass [z. B. Mond, Licht] |  |
 | dim {adj} [light, colour; fig.: prospects] | 1028 trübe [Licht, Farbe; fig.: Aussichten] |  |
 | incident {adj} | 635 einfallend [Strahlung, Licht, Schall] |  |
 | vivid {adj} [bright] | 582 strahlend [Licht, Farben etc.] |  |
 | dim {adj} | 416 matt [Licht] |  |
 | dim {adj} [light, source of light] | 406 trüb [Licht, Lichtquelle] |  |
 | soft {adj} [light] | 346 matt [Licht] |  |
 | unflattering {adj} [dress, makeup, portrait, light, etc.] | 249 unvorteilhaft [Kleid, Make-up, Porträt, Licht etc.] |  |
 | glaring {adj} {pres-p} | 138 blendend [Licht etc.] |  |
 | phys. transparent {adj} [to light, radiation] | 82 durchlässig [für Licht, Strahlung] |  |
 | grave {adj} [attr.] [sepulchral] [e.g. candle, compost, cross, decoration, desecration, find, robber] | 47 Grab- [z. B. Licht, Erde, Kreuz, Schmuck, Schändung, Fund, Räuber] |  |
 | scattered {adj} | 42 diffus [Licht] |  |
 | artificial {adj} [e.g. flowers, fertilizer, light] | 38 Kunst- [künstlich, z. B. Blumen, Dünger, Licht] |  |
 | phys. reflected {adj} {past-p} | 29 zurückgeworfen [Bild, Licht] |  |
 | incidental {adj} | 19 einfallend [Strahlung, Licht] |  |
 | diffuse {adj} | 12 diffus [Licht] |  |
 | diffused {adj} | 9 diffus [Licht] |  |
 | dying {adj} {pres-p} [fire, embers, light, etc.] | 6 erlöschend [Feuer, Glut, Licht etc.] |  |
 | irradiant {adj} [shining brightly] | 6 strahlend [Licht, Lichtquelle] |  |
 | faded in {past-p} | eingeblendet [Licht, Ton] |  |
 | flickerfree {adj} [light] | flickerfrei [Licht] |  |
 | cold {adj} [e.g. air, beverage, foam, front, glue, light] | Kalt- [z. B. Luft, Getränk, Schaum, Front, Leim, Licht] |  |
 | biol. heliophilous {adj} | lichtliebend [auch: Licht liebend] |  |
 | biol. lucifugous {adj} [esp. zool.] | lichtscheu [überempfindlich auf Licht reagierend] |  |
 | tech. non-directional {adj} [light] | ungebündelt [Licht] |  |
Verbs |
 | to flatter sb. | 2478 jdm. schmeicheln [auch Farbe, Licht etc.] |  |
 | to extinguish sth. [fire, flame, light] | 1736 etw.Akk. löschen [Flamme, Feuer, geh. auch: Licht] |  |
 | to shun sth. | 943 etw. scheuen [Licht, Menschen] |  |
 | to suffuse sb./sth. [with light, happiness etc.] | 631 jdn./etw. erfüllen [mit Licht, Freude etc.] |  |
 | to flicker | 444 zucken [Flamme, Licht] |  |
 | phys. to refract [light] | 412 brechen [Licht] |  |
 | to reflect sth. [light or sound] | 359 etw. zurückwerfen [Licht oder Schall reflektieren] |  |
 | to soften sth. [light, sound, colours] | 211 etw. dämpfen [Licht, Farben etc.] |  |
 | to suffuse [light] | 124 durchfluten [Licht] |  |
 | to incide [rare] [light, beam] | 61 einfallen [Licht, Strahl] |  |
 | to shed sth. [impart, send forth. e.g. light, fragrance] | 59 etw. verbreiten [Licht, Duft etc.] |  |
 | phys. to deflect | 47 beugen [Strahlen, Wellen, Licht] |  |
 | to diffract | 39 ablenken [Licht] |  |
 | to bathe sb./sth. [suffuse, e.g. in sunshine] | 39 jdn./etw. eintauchen [in Licht etc.] |  |
 | to eradiate sth. | 32 etw. ausstrahlen [Licht] |  |
 | to bicker [flicker] | 31 zucken [Flamme, Licht etc.] |  |
 | to dim [light] | 29 dämpfen [Licht] |  |
 | to irradiate sth. [radiate] | 26 etw. ausstrahlen [bes. Licht] |  |
 | tech. to kill sth. [coll.] [e.g. a motor, the light] | 17 etw. ausschalten [z. B. Motor, Licht] |  |
 | optics to collimate sth. | 13 etw.Akk. bündeln [Licht-, Elektronen(strahl)] [parallel stellen] |  |
 | to shut off | absperren [Licht, Wasser] |  |
 | to go on [light] | angehen [Licht etc.] |  |
 | to come on | angehen [Radio, Licht] |  |
 | to switch on | anknipsen [ugs.] [Licht] |  |
 | to be on [light] | brennen [Licht] |  |