| English | German  |  |
 | fish gastr. eel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dish, farm, fry, larva, soup] | 38 Aal- [z. B. Gericht, Zuchtbetrieb, Brut, Larve, Suppe] |  |
Nouns |
 | zool. actinotroch larva | Actinotrochalarve {f} [auch: Actinotrocha-Larve] |  |
 | entom. antlion | Ameisenlöwe {m} [Larve der Ameisenjungfer] |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | entom. ant-lion | Ameisenlöwe {m} [Larve der Ameisenjungfer] |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | zool. brachiopod larva | Brachiopodenlarve {f} [auch: Brachiopoden-Larve] |  |
 | zool. cypris larva | Cyprislarve {f} [auch: Cypris-Larve] |  |
 | biol. ephyra larva | Ephyralarve {f} [auch: Ephyra-Larve] |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | fish leptocephalus | Leptocephalus {m} [Larve der aalartigen Fische] |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | biol. planula larva | Planulalarve {f} [auch: Planula-Larve] |  |
 | entom. rat-tailed maggot [larva of the dronefly Eristalis tenax] | Rattenschwanzlarve {f} [Larve der Mistbiene Eristalis tenax] |  |
 | entom. spittlebug larva | Schaumzikadenlarve {f} [auch: Schaumzikaden-Larve] |  |
 | biol. trochophore larva | Trochophoralarve {f} [auch: Trochophora-Larve] |  |
 | fish leptocephalus | Weidenblattlarve {f} [Larve der aalartigen Fische] |  |
 | entom. T | |  |
2 Words |
 | to disguise oneself [for a masquerade] | sichAkk. verlarven [veraltet] [sich unter einer Larve od. Maske verbergen] |  |
 | entom. to transform into a chrysalis | sichAkk. verlarven [veraltet] [von Insekten; in den Zustand einer Larve übergehen] |  |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
 | entom. T | |  |
 | entom. T | |  |