| English | German  |  |
 | woozy {adj} [coll.] | 402 wirr [im Kopf] |  |
 | inverted {adj} {past-p} | 39 umgedreht [auf den Kopf gestellt] |  |
 | scatterbrained {adj} [coll.] | 25 wirr [zerstreut, durcheinander im Kopf] |  |
 | flower {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bud, head, formation, visitor] | 20 Blüten- [z. B. Knospe, Kopf, Bildung, Besucher] |  |
 | bowed {adj} {past-p} [head] | 18 gesenkt [Kopf] |  |
 | FireResc med. propped up {adj} {past-p} [e.g. head, leg, upper body] | hochgelagert [Extremität, Kopf] |  |
 | anat. cranially {adv} | kranial [zum Kopf hin, nach oben hin] |  |
 | rotary {adj} [e.g. brush, compressor, head, microtome, motion, nozzle] | Rotations- [z. B. Bürste, Kompressor, Kopf, Mikrotom, Bewegung, Düse] |  |
 | upside down {adj} {adv} | umgedreht [auf den Kopf gestellt] |  |
 | looking-glass {adj} [attr.] | verkehrt [wie in: verkehrte Welt] [fig.: auf dem Kopf stehend] |  |
Verbs |
 | to incline | 1726 neigen [Kopf, Dach etc.] |  |
 | to upend sth. | 1251 etw. umdrehen [auf den Kopf stellen] |  |
 | to bow sth. | 1123 etw. beugen [Kopf etc.] |  |
 | to bend [head, body] | 573 neigen [Kopf, Körper] |  |
 | to sway sth. [head, hips, branch, tree top] | 162 etw. wiegen [Kopf, Hüften, Zweig, Wipfel] |  |
 | to clock sb. [coll.] [esp. Br.] [hit sb. (esp. on the head)] | 52 jdn. hauen [ugs.] [jdn. schlagen (bes. auf den Kopf)] |  |
 | to snap off | abreißen [bes. Kopf] |  |
 | to lean sth. forward | etw.Akk. vorbeugen [Körper, Kopf etc.] |  |
 | to lean sth. forward [head, body] | etw.Akk. vorneigen [Kopf, Körper] |  |
 | to lean sth. back [e.g. chair, head] | etw.Akk. zurücklehnen [z. B. Stuhl, Kopf] |  |
 | FireResc med. to prop up sth. [extremity, head] | etw. hochlagern [Extremität, Kopf] |  |
 | to bash sth. open [sb.'s head, nose, etc.] | jdm. etw. aufschlagen [Kopf, Nase usw.] |  |
 | to stick sth. toward / towards sb. | jdm. etw. entgegenstrecken [Kopf, Po etc.] |  |
 | to stick sth. toward / towards sb. | jdm. etw. hinstrecken [Kopf, Po etc.] |  |
 | to prop sb./sth. up [e.g. patient, head] | jdn./etw. aufstützen [einen Kranken, den Kopf usw.] |  |
Nouns |
 | pate [hum.] [head] | 2663 Rübe {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | bump [swelling from a blow] | 1458 Beule {f} [Schwellung (am Kopf etc.)] |  |
 | dandruff {sg} | 1270 Schuppen {pl} [auf dem Kopf, von der Kopfhaut] |  |
 | lump [protuberance or swelling (on the head etc.)] | 491 Beule {f} [Schwellung (am Kopf etc.)] |  |
 | cloth. scarf | 194 Tuch {n} [Kopf-, Hals-, Schultertuch] |  |
 | nod | 153 Wink {m} [mit dem Kopf] |  |
 | anat. noggin [coll.] [head] | 99 Birne {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | dome [sl.] [head] | 99 Rübe {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | nut [coll.] [head] | 82 Rübe {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | dandruff {sg} | 58 Hautschuppen {pl} [auf dem Kopf, von der Kopfhaut] |  |
 | cloth. kerchief | 54 Tuch {n} [quadratisches Hals-, Kopf- oder Taschentuch] |  |
 | noogie [Am.] [sl.] | 53 [das schmerzende Reiben von Fingerknöcheln auf dem Kopf einer Person] |  |
 | scurf {sg} | 43 Schuppen {pl} [auf dem Kopf] |  |
 | pate [hum.] | 41 Birne {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | dome [coll.] [head] | 36 Birne {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | butt [esp. with the head, horns] | 27 Stoß {m} [mit Kopf, Hörnern] |  |
 | bean [dated] [coll.] [head] | 26 Birne {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | bonce [Br.] [coll.] [head] | 25 Birne {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | loaf [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: loaf of bread = head] | 23 [Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Kopf] |  |
 | nut [coll.] [head] | 23 Birne {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | noodle [Am.] [Can.] [sl.] [head] | 18 Birne {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |
 | pate [archaic] | 18 Haupt {n} [geh. für: Kopf] |  |
 | ostrichism | 18 Realitätsverweigerung {f} [Kopf-in-den-Sand-stecken] |  |
 | pate [archaic or hum.] [head] | 18 Schädel {m} [Kopf] |  |
 | sconce [dated] [head] | 16 Birne {f} [ugs.] [Kopf] |  |