![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/label_cm.gif) | English | German ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/s1.gif) | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/label_cm.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | flimsy {adj} [thin and light] | 1013 hauchdünn [Stoff, Kleid etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | loose {adj} [e.g. tooth, brick, end; alliance; mushrooms; dress; tongue] | 900 lose [z. B. Zahn, Ziegelstein, Ende; Zusammenschluss; Pilze; Kleid; Zunge od. Mundwerk] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | unflattering {adj} [dress, makeup, portrait, light, etc.] | 247 unvorteilhaft [Kleid, Make-up, Porträt, Licht etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | velvet {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dress, ribbon, curtain] | 136 Samt- [z. B. Kleid, Band, Vorhang] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. fringe {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dress, jacket, pants or trousers, skirt] | 87 Fransen- [z. B. Kleid, Jacke, Hose, Rock] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | slinky {adj} | 63 hauteng [Hose, Kleid etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | jaunty {adj} | 39 kess [Kleid, Schuhe etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | beach {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dress, erosion, football, holidays, mat, party] | 28 Strand- [z. B. Kleid, Erosion, Fußball, Urlaub, Matte, Party] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | dance sports ball {adj} [attr.] [e.g. control, game, possession, gown, night] | 27 Ball- [Beherrschung, Spiel, Besitz, Kleid, Nacht] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | bridal {adj} [e.g. bouquet, carriage, couple, gown, magazine, suite] | 26 Hochzeits- [Braut-] [z. B. Strauß, Kutsche, Paar, Kleid, Magazin, Suite] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | spiff {adj} [coll.] | 23 adrett [z. B. Kleid, Kleidung, Aufmachung] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. textil. floaty {adj} [lightweight] [dress, skirt] | 14 luftig [leicht] [Kleid, Rock] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | unbecoming {adj} [formal] [unflattering] [dress, hairstyle, etc.] | 14 unvorteilhaft [Kleid, Frisur etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | wedding {adj} [attr.] [bridal] [e.g. bouquet, dress or gown, jewellery, veil] | 5 Braut- [z. B. Strauß, Kleid, Schmuck, Schleier] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | relig. christening {adj} [attr.] [e.g. ceremony, gift, mug, robe] | 5 Tauf- [z. B. Zeremonie, Geschenk, Becher, Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | sth. hung loose [e.g. gown] | etw. schlotterte [z. B. Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | young girl's {adj} [attr.] [book, charm, dress etc.] | Jungmädchen- [-buch, -charme, -kleid etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | crumpled-up {adj} | knautschig [ugs.] [Anzug, Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. knee-length {adj} [skirt, dress] | knieumspielend [knielang] [Rock, Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. knee-skimming {adj} [skirt, dress] | knieumspielend [Rock, Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | ultrashort {adj} [haircut, dress, etc.] | rappelkurz [ugs.] [extrem kurz: Haarschnitt, Kleid usw.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. low-backed {adj} | rückenfrei [z. B. Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | a ... like this / that [German masculine/neuter singular; e.g. a coat/dress like this/that] | son [seltener] [so 'n] [ugs.] [so ein; z. B. son Mantel/Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
Verbs |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to crumple (sth.) [paper, fabric, dress, etc.] | 41 (etw.Akk.) verknittern [Papier, Stoff, Kleid etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to parade sth. | 16 etw. ausführen [ugs.] [ein neues Kleid etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to crush sth. [crease or crumple] [e.g. a dress] | 11 etw.Akk. zerdrücken [ugs.] [zerknittern] [z. B. ein Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. to cut the seam off | abschneiden [Rock, Kleid usw.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to lengthen sth. [to make longer] [e.g. a dress] | etw.Akk. anstückeln [regional] [verlängern] [z. B. ein Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. to let sth. out [dress] | etw.Akk. auslassen [Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to put sth. on [dress, frock] | etw.Akk. überziehen [Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. to fasten sth. up [dress etc.] | etw.Akk. zumachen [ugs.] [Kleid etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to shuffle off sth. [skin, dress] | etw. abstreifen [Haut, Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to put sth. on [jewellery, a dress, etc.] | etw. anlegen [geh.] [Schmuck, ein Kleid etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
Nouns |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. neckline | 368 Ausschnitt {m} [Kleid, Oberteil etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. strap | 115 Träger {m} [Kleid, BH etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. train | 101 Schleppe {f} [am Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. vent [of a skirt, dress] | 8 Rockschlitz {m} [Kleid, Damenrock] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. woolen jumper [Am.] | [ärmelloses Kleid aus Wolle] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. cheongsam [Chinese dress for women] | Cheongsam {n} [chinesisches Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. flimsy dress [pej.] | Fähnchen {n} [ugs.] [Kleid aus dünnem, schäbigem Material] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. (skimpy) dress | Fetzen {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [billiges, schlecht sitzendes Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | textil. kick pleat | Gehfalte {f} [am Rock, Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. loose dress | Hänger {m} [Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. girls' gown | Mädchenkleid {n} [festliches Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. halter neck | Nackenband {n} [am Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. halterneck strap | Nackenträger {m} [am Kleid, Top etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. halterneck strap | Neckholder {m} [Nackenträger, z. B. am Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. dress | Rock {m} [schweiz.] [Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. satin gown | Satinrobe {f} [Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. satin robe | Satinrobe {f} [Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | fishtail | Schwalbenschwanz {m} [an Frack, Kleid, Rock etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. fish tail | Schwalbenschwanz {m} [an Frack, Kleid, Rock etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. fish-tail | Schwalbenschwanz {m} [an Frack, Kleid, Rock etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. outdoor dress | Straßenkleid {n} [in der Öffentlichkeit zu tragendes Kleid für den Alltag] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. dress [esp. evening women's dress] | Toilette {f} [geh.] [veraltend] [Abendkleid, festliches Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | polka dot | Tupfen {m} [auf Kleid etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
2 Words: Others |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. low-cut {adj} | (tief) dekolletiert [z. B. Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. lined with non-transparent material {adj} [postpos.] [dress etc.] | blickdicht gefüttert [Kleid etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. slinky {adj} | eng anliegend [z. B. Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. loose-fit {adj} [attr.] [trousers, dress, etc.] | Loose-Fit- [Hose, Kleid usw.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | fanciful {adj} [fancy] | reich verziert [Kleid, Kostüm] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | a ... like this / that [German masculine/neuter singular; e.g. a coat/dress like this/that] | so 'n [ugs.] [so ein; z. B. so 'n Mantel/Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. (deep) plunging {adj} | tief ausgeschnitten [Kleid, Top etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. low-cut {adj} | tief ausgeschnitten [z. B. Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
2 Words: Verbs |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to be hanging somewhat loose (around sb./sth.) [e.g. gown] | (um jdn./etw.) schlottern [z. B. Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to bring sth. back into use [old dress, instrument, etc.] | etw. (wieder) ausgraben [ugs.] [altes Kleid, Instrument etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. to make sb. look old [e.g. dress, hairdo] | jdn. alt machen [z. B. Kleid, Frisur] [jdn. alt erscheinen lassen] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. textil. to crumple easily [dress, fabric, etc.] | leicht verknautschen [ugs.] [Kleid, Stoff etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to drip with sth. [e.g. dress with jewellery] | von etw. strotzen [z. B. Kleid von Juwelen] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
2 Words: Nouns |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. pink dress | rosanes Kleid {n} [ugs. für: rosa Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
3 Words: Verbs |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | to be in vogue | im Schwange sein [Redewendung] [gerade modern sein, z. B. Kleid] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |
![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) | cloth. to be cut low [dress etc.] | tief ausgeschnitten sein [Kleid etc.] | ![](https://www4.dict.cc/img/pxl.gif) |