| English | German  |  |
 | film to pan sth. [camera] | 174 etw.Akk. schwenken [Kamera] |  |
 | to angle sth. [lamp, camera, screen, etc.] | 164 etw. ausrichten [im richtigen Winkel einstellen, z. B. Lampe, Kamera, Bildschirm] |  |
 | photo. to focus [image, camera] | 107 scharfstellen [Bild, Kamera] |  |
 | film to pan over [camera] | herüberschwenken [Kamera] |  |
Nouns |
 | photo. bellows | 53 Balgen {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | comp. webcam [web camera] | 53 Netzkamera {f} [Kamera, die mit dem Internet verbunden ist] |  |
 | dashcam [dashboard camera] | 18 Dashcam {f} [Kamera im Auto zur Beweissicherung] |  |
 | back | 18 Rückwand {f} [z. B. einer Kamera] |  |
 | back | 12 Rückteil {n} [z. B. einer Kamera] |  |
 | photo. bellows {pl} | 11 Balgen {pl} [Kamera] |  |
 | neol. dashcam [dashboard camera] | 9 Armaturenbrettkamera {f} [Kamera im Auto zur Beweissicherung] |  |
 | photo. bellows | 9 Balgengerät {n} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. stopping down | Abblenden {n} [Kamera] |  |
 | MedTech. Anger camera [gamma camera] | Angerkamera {f} [auch: Anger-Kamera] [Szintillationskamera von Anger] |  |
 | photo. film gate | Bildfenster {n} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. flash shoe | Blitzschuh {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. flash socket | Blitzschuh {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. flash socket | Blitzsockel {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. brilliant viewfinder | Brillantsucher {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. viewfinder [at eye level] | Durchsichtsucher {m} [Kamera ist vor dem Auge] |  |
 | photo. film pull-down mechanism | Filmfortschaltgetriebe {n} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. film pull-down claw | Filmgreifer {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. film magazine | Filmmagazin {n} [Filmkassette einer Kamera] |  |
 | photo. film rewind button | Filmrückspulknopf {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. film advance | Filmtransport {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. film pull-advance | Filmtransport {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. film pull-down | Filmtransport {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. film pull-movement | Filmtransport {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. (manual) film advance lever | Filmtransporthebel {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. motor drive coupler | Filmtransportkupplung {f} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. film rewind button | Freilaufknopf {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | astronau hazcam [short for: hazard avoidance camera] | Hazcam {f} [kurz für: Hazard-Avoidance-Kamera] |  |
 | camera adapter | Kameraadapter {m} [auch: Kamera-Adapter] |  |
 | comp. photo. camera software | Kamerasoftware {f} [auch: Kamera-Software] |  |
 | film photo. tech. arc shot | Kreisfahrt {f} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. rewind knob | Rückspulknopf {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | film photo. tech. arc shot | Rundfahrt {f} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. curtain shutter | Schlitzverschluss {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. slotted shutter | Schlitzverschluss {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. film advance lever | Schnellschalthebel {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | MedTech. scintillation camera [gamma / Anger camera] | Szintillationskamera {f} [Gamma- / Anger-Kamera] |  |
 | photo. shutter curtain | Verschlussvorhang {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. diaphragm shutter | Zentralverschluss {m} [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. leaf shutter | Zentralverschluss {m} [Kamera] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to fix sth. on sth. [eyes, camera, gun] | etw. auf etw. richten [Blick, Kamera, Waffe] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | phys. tech. streak camera | Schmierbild-Kamera {f} [Streak-Kamera] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | Is it on? | Ist sie an? [Kamera] |  |
4 Words: Nouns |
 | photo. film rewind button | Entriegelungsknopf {m} für die Filmrückspulung [Kamera] |  |
 | photo. film advance mode button | Taste {f} für Filmtransport-Betriebsart [Kamera] |  |