| English | German  |  |
 | crummy {adj} [coll.] [depressed, not sociable] | 149 assi [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] |  |
 | antisocial {adj} | 115 assi [ugs.] [meist pej.] [bes. Jugendsprache] |  |
 | phat {adj} [sl.] [terrific] | 38 phatt [Jugendsprache] [hervorragend] |  |
 | mega {adj} [coll.] | 33 mega [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | [German youth language; bad, ugly, disgusting, stupid, etc.] {adj} | 9 reudig [pej.] [Jugendsprache] [schlecht, hässlich, eklig, dumm usw.] |  |
 | sus {adj} [sl.] | 8 sus [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] [suspekt, verdächtig] |  |
 | super- {prefix} | 6 ur- [verstärkende Vorsilbe, insbes. Jugendsprache] [ugs.] |  |
 | run-down {adj} | abgeranzt [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | disgusting {adj} | asslig [Jugendsprache] [widerlich] |  |
 | rad {adj} [sl.] | derbe [bes. Jugendsprache] [hervorragend] |  |
 | mighty {adv} [coll.] | derbe [bes. Jugendsprache] [sehr] |  |
 | You bet! [coll.] | Fjeden! [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] [Auf jeden (Fall)!] |  |
 | Kick ass! [Am.] [sl.] | Geilo! [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | Kick ass! [Am.] [sl.] | Geilomat! [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | lolious {adj} [coll.] [funny] | lolig [Jugendsprache] [ugs.] [lustig] |  |
 | super cool {adj} [coll.] [absolutely great, awesome] | oberaffentittengeil [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] |  |
 | extremely boring {adj} | ultralangweilig [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | Fuckin' A! [Am.] [vulg.] [used in a positive sense] | Urgeil! [ugs.] [salopp, bes. Jugendsprache] [als Ausdruck der Freude, des Triumphs] |  |
Verbs |
 | to gank sth. [Am.] [sl.] [steal] | 24 etw. polen [stehlen] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | dance mus. to mash [Am.] [sl.] [dated for: to mosh] | 21 pogen [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | to pull sth. off [coll.] | etw.Akk. bringen [bes. Jugendsprache] [ugs.] [zustande bringen] |  |
 | to get sth. [coll.] [understand] | etw.Akk. rallen [bes. Jugendsprache] [salopp] [verstehen] |  |
 | Internet to hate on sb. [especially on social media] | jdn. haten [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [sich hasserfüllt äußern, vor allem in sozialen Netzwerken] |  |
 | neol. pol. to be indecisive [to say, decide and do nothing in a matter] | merkeln [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] |  |
Nouns |
 | wimp [coll.] | 135 Lauch {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | idiots [pej.] | 29 Spacken {pl} [nordd.] [ugs.] [pej.] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | facepalm [sl.] | 23 Gesichtspalme {f} [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | doormat [coll.] [pej.] [person who gets used or walked over all the time] | 12 Opfer {n} [Jugendsprache] [pej.] [Person, die ständig ausgenutzt oder schikaniert wird] |  |
 | [antisocial person] | 11 Assi {m} [ugs.] [meist pej.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [Asozialer] |  |
 | hairdo [coll.] | 7 Frise {f} [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [Frisur] |  |
 | gastr. banana | Affenfrucht {f} [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [Banane] |  |
 | gastr. banana | Affenwurst {f} [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [Banane] |  |
 | bro [esp. Am] [coll.] [pal] | Brudi {m} [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [Kumpel] |  |
 | chica [coll.] [Am.] | Chica {f} [ugs. für: Mädchen] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | binge drinking | Druckbetankung {f} [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | food coma [coll.] [post-meal coma] | Futternarkose {f} [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [Suppenkoma (Mittagstief)] |  |
 | sonofabitch [vulg.] [sl.] | Huan {m} [pej.] [vulg.] [Jugendsprache] [Hurensohn] |  |
 | yes-man [coll.] [pej.] | Knecht {m} [pej.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [Jasager] |  |
 | headdesk [coll.] | Kopftischen {n} [sl.] [Jugendsprache] [ultimative Fassungslosigkeit über eine Dummheit] |  |
 | sports pizza (turn) [coll.] [snowplough in skiing] | Pizza {f} [bes. Jugendsprache] [Schneepflug beim Skifahren] |  |
 | sports pizza slice [sl.] [snowplough] | Pizzaschnitte {f} [bes. Jugendsprache] [Schneepflug beim Skifahren] |  |
 | sports pizza slice [coll.] [snowplough in skiing] | Pizzastück {n} [bes. Jugendsprache] [Schneepflug beim Skifahren] |  |
 | smart-ass [esp. Am.] [sl.] | Senfautomat {m} [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] [Klugscheißer] |  |
 | simp [sl.] | Simp {m} [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | It's all good. | Alles tutti. [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | Have fun! | Gönn dir! [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | dumb {adj} [esp. Am.] [coll.] [stupid] | kognitiv suboptimiert [Jugendsprache] [dumm] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to be out of it [coll.] | verpeilt sein [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | the folks [coll.] [the parents] | die Alten {pl} [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [die Eltern] |  |
 | my folks [coll.] [my parents] | meine Alten {pl} [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] [meine Eltern] |  |
 | blank moment [coll.] | temporärer Hirnschwund {m} [ugs.] [oft Jugendsprache] |  |
3 Words: Others |
 | You betcha! [Am.] [sl.] | Aber sowas von! [ugs.] [salopp, bes. Jugendsprache] |  |
 | Fuckin' A! [Am.] [vulg.] | Leck mich fett! [sehr salopp, bes. Jugendsprache] |  |
 | What up, dawg? [Black English] [sl.] | Was geht, Alter? [salopp] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | What's up, dawg? [Black English] [sl.] | Was geht, Alter? [salopp] [Jugendsprache] |  |
 | What's up, bro? [sl.] | Was geht, Bruder? [salopp] [Jugendsprache] |  |
3 Words: Verbs |
 | to be out of it [coll.] [idiom] | (völlig) verspult sein [ugs.] [Jugendsprache] [Redewendung] [neben der Spur sein] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | (Go) take a hike! [sl.] | Kauf dir einen Keks! [ugs.] [bes. Jugendsprache] |  |