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| financial {adj} [e.g. backer, institution, investment, penalty] | Geld- [z. B. Geber, Institut, Anlage, Strafe] | |
Verbs |
| admin. fin. to administer [institution, funds] | 662 verwalten | |
| to ask sb./sth. [person, institution] | 569 jdn./etw. bitten [Person, Institution] | |
| to commit sb. [to an asylum, institution] | 506 jdn. einweisen [in Anstalt] | |
| to accord (sb./sth.) sth. [also: accord sth. to sb./sth.] | 500 (jdm./etw.) etw.Akk. gewähren [z. B. einer Person oder Institution] | |
| to take [to an institution] | 377 verbringen [Amtsdeutsch: bringen, einliefern] | |
Nouns |
| demise [of an institution, empire etc.] | 2655 Niedergang {m} | |
| foundation [institution] | 1409 Stiftung {f} | |
| institution | 882 Einrichtung {f} [Institution] | |
| host [in his home or institution] | 688 Hausherr {m} [Gastgeber] | |
| educ. valedictorian | 450 Abschiedsredner {m} [jahrgangsbester Absolvent einer Institution] | |
| office [organization, institution] | 103 Dienst {m} [Organisation, Institution] | |
| ward [of a guardian, an institution] | 93 Pflegling {m} | |
| asylum | 92 Heim {n} [Institution] | |
| educ. salutatorian [Am.] [Can.] | 48 [zweitbester Absolvent {m} des Jahrgangs einer Institution, der eine Rede auf der Abschlussfeier hält] | |
| law constitution [of an institution] | 44 Grundordnung {f} | |
| law prosecution [institution] | 41 Anklagebehörde {f} | |
| provider [of a social service, institution] | 33 Träger {m} [einer sozialen Einrichtung] | |
| trustee [of institution] | 24 Kurator {m} | |
| hostel | 21 Heim {n} [Institution] | |
| branch [esp. of an institution] | 20 Dependance {f} [geh.] [Zweigstelle] | |
| initiator | 16 Impulsgeber {m} [fig.] [Person, Institution als treibende Kraft] | |
| foundation [institution] | 10 Stift {n} [Stiftung, meist in Namen] | |
| relocation [esp. companies] | 10 Absiedlung {f} [bes. von Institution, Firmen etc.] | |
| runaway [teenager, esp. from an institution] | 7 Trebegänger {m} [ugs.] [regional] | |
| borstal [Br.] [hist.: young offenders' institution] | 6 Jugendstrafanstalt {f} | |
| foundation [institution] | 6 Fondation {f} [schweiz.] | |
| home [institution, esp. old people's home or almshouse] | 5 Stift {n} [veraltend] [Heim für die Betreuung notleidender, meist alter Menschen] | |
| trustee [of institution] [female] | 5 Kuratorin {f} | |
| EU [(identification) code of the institution] | Institutionskennzeichen {n} <IK-Nummer, IKNR> | |
| [corporation or institution directly under federal government control] | bundesunmittelbare Anstalt {f} | |
| [corporation or institution directly under federal government control] | bundesunmittelbare Körperschaft {f} | |
| hist. [institution / club for the education of workers] | Arbeiterbildungsheim {n} | |
| hist. [institution set up to purchase the freedom of sailors captured by pirates] | Sklavenkasse {f} | |
| relig. sports [institution similar to a court] | Spruchkammer {f} | |
| begging [as an institution] | Bettelwesen {n} | |
| charity [institution] | mildtätige Einrichtung {f} | |
| charity [institution] | wohltätige Vereinigung {f} | |
| farm [esp. as part of a bigger enterprise or institution] | Ökonomie {f} [veraltet] [tw. noch österr.] | |
| institutionalization [placement in an institution] | Heimeinweisung {f} | |
| shelter [institution providing temporary housing and sometimes counseling] | Schutzeinrichtung {f} [Hilfseinrichtung, die zeitweilige Unterkunft und manchmal Beratung anbietet] | |
| SIFI [systemically important financial institution] | [systemisch wichtiges Finanzinstitut] | |
| relig. temporalities [revenues of a religious body or a member of the clergy] | Einkünfte {pl} [einer kirchlichen Institution oder aus einem Kirchenamt] | |
2 Words: Others |
| corresponding with sb./sth. {adv} | mit jdm./etw. in Briefwechsel [Person, Institution] | |
| life-threatening {adj} | existenzbedrohend [für Organisation, Institution etc.] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| law to find against sb./sth. [person or body] | jdn./etw. verurteilen [Person bzw. Institution oder Gremium] | |
| to open up [bed in an institution] | frei werden [Bett in einer Einrichtung] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| borstal (institution) [also: Borstal] [Br.] [hist.] [young offenders' institution] | Erziehungsanstalt {f} [erzieherisch gestaltete Jugendstrafanstalt] | |
| anat. med. cardiovascular center <CVC> [Am.] [also institution] | Herz-Kreislauf-Zentrum {n} <HKZ> [auch Institution] | |
| anat. med. cardiovascular centre <CVC> [Br.] [also institution] | Herz-Kreislauf-Zentrum {n} <HKZ> [auch Institution] | |