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 | proactive {adj} [person] | 939 initiativ [geh.] [(politisch) aktiv, die Initiative ergreifend] |  |
Verbs |
 | to dwindle [trade, initiative] | 56 verkümmern |  |
 | to burke sth. [suppress, silence] | 29 etw.Akk. abwürgen [ugs.] [fig.] [Diskussion, Initiative etc.] |  |
Nouns |
 | drive [energy and initiative] | 333 Tatendrang {m} |  |
 | pushback [Am.] [negative or unfavorable response] | 226 Widerstand {m} [gegen eine Idee oder Initiative] |  |
 | initiative [determination, resolution] | 217 Entschlusskraft {f} [Initiative, Entschlossenheit] |  |
 | law [initiative of the SVP to tighten border controls between Switzerland and the EU] | Begrenzungsinitiative {f} [Schweiz] [offizieller Titel: Volksinitiative «Für eine massvolle Zuwanderung»] |  |
2 Words |
 | to be proactive [person] | agieren [geh.] [aktiv handeln, die Initiative ergreifen] |  |
 | to be proactive [person] | initiativ werden [geh.] [die Initiative ergreifen, aktiv werden] |  |
 | to start up sth. [firm, organization, campain, initiative etc.] | etw.Akk. aufziehen [gründen, starten] |  |
 | pol. counter-initiative [also: counter initiative, counterinitiative] | Gegeninitiative {f} |  |
3 Words |
 | pol. factory farming initiative [initiative against factory farming] | Massentierhaltungsinitiative {f} [Initiative gegen Fabriktierhaltung] [bes. Schweiz] |  |
4 Words |
 | econ. pol. Belt and Road Initiative [in China] <B&R, B&R Initiative, BRI> | Neue Seidenstraße {f} [ugs.] [Belt and Road Initiative; bis 2016: Projekt One Belt, One Road (OBOR)] |  |
 | stick-in-the-mud [coll.] [pej.] [person lacking initiative or enthusiasm] | Schlaftablette {f} [fig.] [ugs.] [pej.] [jd., dem es an Schwung fehlt] |  |
5+ Words |
 | hist. law Swiss children coercion reparation initiative [Swiss federal popular initiative] | Wiedergutmachungsinitiative {f} [Schweiz] |  |