Dictionary English German: [High key Ausleuchtung]

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film photo. RadioTV high-key lightingHigh-key-Beleuchtung {f} [auch: High-key-Ausleuchtung]
film photo. RadioTV low-key lightingLow-key-Beleuchtung {f} [auch: Low-key-Ausleuchtung]
mil. high altitude - high opening <HAHO> [also: high altitude high opening, high-altitude/high-opening]HAHO [Bezeichnung für Fallschirmsprungverfahren: große (Absprung-)Höhe - große Öffnung / Öffnungshöhe]
bow [key bow; end or ornamental part of a key]Reite {f} [Rsv.] [Reide] [Schlüsselreide]
bow [key bow; end or ornamental part of a key]Reide {f} [Endstück eines Schlüssels, Schlüsselgriff]
bow [key bow; end or ornamental part of a key]Räute {f} [veraltet bzw. seltener für: Reide]
mus. accidental [note foreign to the key indicated by the key signature]Akzidens {n} [fachspr.]
high tech [also: high-tech, hightech] [short for: high technology]Hochtechnologie {f}
tech. to inject [under high pressure or at high speed]einpressen [unter hohem Druck od. mit hoher Geschwindigkeit]
comp. RadioTV hi-res {adj} [short for: high-resolution]HiRes- [auch: Hires, Hi-Res] [High-Resolution-, mit hoher Auflösung]
gastr. Key lime pie [also: key lime pie]Key-Limettenkuchen {m} [die / der Key Lime Pie, ein Limettenkuchen der Florida Keys]
educ. combined junior-senior high school [Am.] [seventh grade through twelfth grade][Junior High School kombiniert mit Senior High School, Jahrgangsstufe 7-12]
audio hi-fi [high-fidelity sound-recording or -playback equipment]Hi-Fi {f} [kurz für: High Fidelity]
mil. high altitude - low opening <HALO> [also: high altitude low opening, high-altitude/low-opening]HALO [Bezeichnung für Fallschirmsprungverfahren: große (Absprung-)Höhe - niedrige Öffnung / Öffnungshöhe]
chattering [key bounce]Tastenprellen {n}
issue [key point]Kernpunkt {m}
issue [key question]Kernfrage {f}
tech. key [feather key]Passfeder {f}
hightech [spv.] [high-tech, high tech]Hightech {n} {f}
mus. keybed [also: key bed]Klaviaturboden {m}
winder [key]Schlüssel {m} [zum Aufziehen]
mus. home key [tonic key]Grundtonart {f}
key holder [key rack]Schlüsselbrett {n}
private key [secret key]Geheimschlüssel {m}
idiom talking points [key arguments]Kernfragen {pl}
comp. Enter [key, button]Eingabe {f} [Taste, Schaltfläche]
fob [short for key fob]Schlüsselanhänger {m}
locksmith [key service]Aufsperrdienst {m} [österr.] [Schlüsseldienst]
tools Stillson™ [wrench, key]Einhand-Rohrzange {f} [Stillson]
comp. Apple key <⌘> [command key]Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste]
caps key [shift key]Hochstelltaste {f} [Umschalttaste]
comp. clover key [command key]Apfeltaste {f} [Befehlstaste]
mus. key cushion [also: key-cushion]Klappenpolster {n}
memory recall [key / button]Speicheranzeigetaste {f} [Taschenrechner]
comp. numeric keypad [10-key pad]Zehnertastatur {f}
comp. pretzel key <⌘> [command key]Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste]
comp. propeller key <⌘> [command key]Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste]
comp. splat key <⌘> [command key]Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste]
mus. keyface [also: key face] [keyboard]Tastenfront {f} [Tastatur]
tech. ward [of a key]Einschnitt {m} [im Schlüsselbart]
tech. tools hex key [Allen key]Innensechskantschlüssel {m} <ISK-Schlüssel>
key supplier [key supplier management]Schlüssellieferant {m} [Schlüssellieferantenmanagement]
add-in memory [key / button]Speicheradditionstaste {f} [Taschenrechner]
tech. cut-off key [also: cutoff key]Trenntaste {f}
comp. open-Apple key <⌘> [command key]Apfeltaste {f} <⌘> [Befehlstaste]
subtract from memory [key / button]Speichersubtraktionstaste {f} [Taschenrechner]
core findings [key findings]zentrale Ergebnisse {pl} [wesentliche Ergebnisse]
tech. lever key [chubb key]Schubschlüssel {m} [auch für: Chubbschlüssel]
tech. hex head wrench [Allen key]Innensechskantschlüssel {m} <ISK-Schlüssel>
mus. pitchy {adj} [off-key]falsch [nicht in der richtigen Tonhöhe]
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