Dictionary English German: [He]

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English German
lest {conj} [formal] [example: I was frightened lest he should fall.]
regardless {adv} [placed at the end: He did it regardless.]
trotzdem [Er tat es trotzdem / doch / dennoch.]
they {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "he" or "she" or "he or she"]
[geschlechtsneutral, statt „er“ oder „sie“ oder „er oder sie“]
proverb [He who writes, remains.]Wer schreibt, der bleibt.
[There's nothing warming the crown jewels, yet he thinks he's ready for Vegas.](Noch) keine Haare am Sack, aber im Puff vordrängeln. [vulg.]
he'd [he had]er hatte
he'd [he would]er würde
he'll [he will / shall]er wird
he's [he has]er hat
he's [he is]er ist
quietly {adv} [e.g. He was buried quietly.]in aller Stille [ohne Aufsehen] [z. B. Er wurde in aller Stille beigesetzt.]
wherever {conj} [e.g. wherever he went]wohin ... auch [z. B. wohin er auch ging]
to lack [e.g. what he lacks]
gebrechen [geh.] [veraltet] [persönlich gebildet; z. B. was ihm gebricht]
[to marry sb. knowing he / she does not have long to live]auf Abbruch heiraten [ugs.] [hum.]
to lack sth. [e.g. he lacks money]an etw.Dat. gebrechen [geh.] [veraltend] [unpersönlich gebildet; z. B. ihm gebricht es an Geld]
to lack sth. [e.g. money is lacking, he lacks money]an etw.Dat. hapern [unpersönlich gebildet (z. B. es hapert am Geld, bei ihm hapert es am Geld)]
[person too cowardly to say what he thinks]
Duckmäuser {m}
lit. [novel concerned with the author's critical analysis of the age in which s/he lives]
Zeitroman {m}
hist. [territory of the fiefdom of a lord, in which he exercised his full feudal rights]
Herrschaft {f} [Territorium]
pol. [nickname for the German SPD politician Olaf Scholz, coined while he was secretary general (2002-2004) when he was found to repeat (like an automat) statements of other party leaders]Scholzomat {m} [auch: Scholz-O-Mat, Scholz-o-mat, Scholz-o-Mat, Scholz-O-mat] [Spitzname für Olaf Scholz]
hist. [territory of the fiefdom of a lord, in which he exercised his full feudal rights]Herrlichkeit {f} [Territorium]
myth. Pygmalion [sculptor who fell in love with a statue he had carved]Pygmalion {m} [Bildhauer, der sich in eine von ihm geschnitzte Statue verliebte]
2 Words: Others
at which {rel} {pron} [..., at which he laughed / said, etc.]worauf
looking up {adj} {pres-p} [pred.] [literal, e.g. he was looking up]aufschauend [aufblickend]
with ... understood [e.g.: He is seething, with 'rage' understood.]gemeint ist ... [z. B.: Er kocht, gemeint ist "vor Wut".]
2 Words: Verbs
to do better [only in progressive form: he/she/etc./the firm is doing better]bessergehen [nur unpersönlich: es geht mir/dir/usw./der Firma besser]
2 Words: Nouns
body blow [fig.] [a strong, almost disabling action, e.g. "he dealt a body blow to the idea's adoption"]schwerer Schlag {m} [fig.]
late starter [sb. discovering late in life what he or she is particularly skilled in]Spätberufener {m}
late vocation [sb. discovering late in life what he is particularly skilled in]Spätberufener {m}
3 Words: Others
by being patient [he]indem er sich geduldete
He hung himself. [coll.] [He hanged himself.]Er hängte sich auf.
He's done time. [coll.] [He has been in prison.]Er war im Knast. [ugs.]
pol. proverb Qui transtulit sustinet. [He who brought over the vine continues to take care of it. (Connecticut State Motto)] [Am.][Der, der uns herüberbrachte, wird uns stützen. (Motto des US-Staates Connecticut)]
requiescat in pace [abbreviation "R.I.P." more common] [Latin for "may he/she rest in peace"]Ruhe in Frieden
sb. told sb. to do sth. [He told me to wait.]jd. hieß jdn. etw. tun [geh.] [z. B. Er hieß mich warten.]
3 Words: Verbs
to sense sth. might happen [have a (negative) foreboding; e.g.: He sensed something bad might happen.]etw. schwanen [oft hum.] [nur unpersönlich; z. B. Ihm schwante (etwas) Schlechtes. / Es schwante ihm nichts Gutes.]
4 Words: Others
He might have died. [It was possible, but he didn't]Er hätte sterben können.
He might have died. [It's a possibility that he did]Er könnte gestorben sein.
He missed the boat. [idiom] [He missed the opportunity.]Für ihn ist der Zug abgefahren. [Redewendung] [Er hat die Gelegenheit verpasst.]
he of all people ... [also: he, of all people, ...]ausgerechnet er ... [gerade er ...]
idiom He stood her up. [coll.] [He failed to appear for the date]Er ließ sie aufsitzen. [ugs.] [Er hielt die Verabredung nicht ein]
To each their own. [to each what he deserves or likes]Jedem das Seine.
proverb to each his own [to each what he deserves]jedem das Seine
Where's he got to? [Where can he be?]Wo ist der nur abgeblieben? [ugs.]
4 Words: Nouns
sports stand up paddle boarding <SUP> [Hawaiian: hoe he'e nalu]Stehpaddeln {n} [Stand Up Paddling]
5+ Words: Others
quote A wizard is never late... nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. [The Lord of the Rings]Ein Zauberer kommt nie zu spät... Ebensowenig zu früh. Er trifft genau dann ein, wenn er es für richtig hält.
proverb Each (man) to his own. [to each what he deserves]Jedem das Seine.
He can dish it out but he can't take it. [coll.] [idiom]Er kann gut austeilen, aber nicht einstecken. [ugs.] [Redewendung]
He can do as he pleases.Er kann tun und lassen, was er will.
He can twist and wriggle as much as he likes, ...Er kann sich drehen und wenden, wie er will, ...
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