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 | econ. hist. spec. Methodenstreit [methodological debate in economics in Germany and Austria, 1880-1900] | 9 Methodenstreit {m} [Carl Menger, Gustav von Schmoller] |  |
 | name Gösta [Swedish variant of Gustav, Göstav, Gustaf] | Gösta {m} |  |
 | mus. philosophical music [expressing a world view, e.g. music of Gustav Mahler] | Weltanschauungsmusik {f} [Musik die eine Weltsicht zum Ausdruck bringt, z. B. Musik von Gustav Mahler] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | educ. hist. Free School Community [esp. Gustav Wyneken] | Freie Schulgemeinde {f} [bes. Gustav Wyneken] |  |
4 Words: Others |
 | lit. quote The ladies are all anxiety. [Br.] [Charles Dickens, The Pickwick Papers] | Die Damen warten schon. [Übs. Gustav Meyrinck] |  |
5+ Words: Others |
 | lit. mus. quote Dark is life, dark is death. [The Song of the Earth] | Dunkel ist das Leben, ist der Tod. [Das Lied von der Erde, Komponist: Gustav Mahler, Dichter: Hans Bethge] |  |
 | hist. pol. quote Someone has to be the bloodhound. I shall not shirk the responsibility. | Einer muss der Bluthund werden, ich scheue die Verantwortung nicht. [Gustav Noske] |  |
 | quote I don't love nations, I love my wife, and that's it. | Ich liebe keine Staaten, ich liebe meine Frau. [Gustav Heinemann, 3. dt. Bundespräsident] |  |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
 | art F Adam and Eve | Adam und Eva [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Beethoven Frieze : Praise to Joy, the God-descended | Beethovenfries : Freude schöner Götterfunke [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Beethoven Frieze: The Hostile Powers | Beethovenfries: Die feindlichen Gewalten [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Moving Water | Bewegtes Wasser [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Portrait of Adele Bloch-Bauer | Bildnis Adele Bloch-Bauer [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Portrait of the Pianist and Piano Teacher Joseph Pembauer | Bildnis des Pianisten und Klavierpädagogen Joseph Pembauer [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Portrait of Marie Henneberg | Bildnis Marie Henneberg [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Portrait of Serena Lederer | Bildnis Serena Lederer [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Portrait of Sonja Knips | Bildnis Sonja Knips [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Lady at the Fireplace | Dame am Kamin [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Lady with Hat and Feather Boa | Dame mit Hut und Federboa [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | philos. F The Little Book of Life after Death | Das Büchlein vom Leben nach dem Tode [Gustav Theodor Fechner] |  |
 | lit. F The Green Face | Das grüne Gesicht [Gustav Meyrink] |  |
 | mus. F The Song of Lamentation [also: The Sorrowful Song] | Das klagende Lied [Gustav Mahler] |  |
 | lit. F The Angel of the West Window | Der Engel vom westlichen Fenster [Gustav Meyrink] |  |
 | lit. F The Golem | Der Golem [Gustav Meyrink] |  |
 | art F The Three Ages of Woman | Die drei Lebensalter [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F The Fable | Fabel [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Lady with Fan | Frau mit Fächer [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Goldfish | Goldfische [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Houses in Unterach on the Attersee | Häuser in Unterach am Attersee [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Church in Unterach on the Attersee | Kirche in Unterach am Attersee [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | mus. F Songs of a Wayfarer | Lieder eines fahrenden Gesellen [Gustav Mahler] |  |
 | mus. F Songs and Airs from Days of Youth | Lieder und Gesänge aus der Jugendzeit [Gustav Mahler] |  |
 | art F Pallas Athene | Pallas Athene [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Schubert at the Piano | Schubert am Klavier [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | mus. F Funeral Rites | Totenfeier [Gustav Mahler] |  |
 | art F Two Girls with Oleander | Zwei Mädchen mit Oleander [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | mus. F The Song of the Earth | Das Lied von der Erde [Gustav Mahler] |  |
 | art F The Kiss | Der Kuß [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F The Maiden | Die Jungfrau [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F The Dancer | Die Tänzerin [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | mus. F Songs on the Death of Children | Kindertotenlieder [Gustav Mahler] |  |
 | art F Medicine (Hygieia) | Medizin (Hygieia) [Gustav Klimt] |  |
 | art F Water Serpents | Wasserschlangen [Gustav Klimt] |  |