| English | German | |
| viselike {adj} [Am.] | 39 eisern [Griff] | |
| vicelike {adj} [Br.] | 21 eisern [Griff] | |
| vice-like {adj} [Br.] | eisern [Griff] | |
| vise-like {adj} [Am.] | eisern [Griff] | |
Verbs |
| to loose [knot, grip etc.] | 363 lösen [Knoten, Griff etc.] | |
| to unloosen [grip etc] | 5 lockern [Griff etc] | |
| to come off [to become detached] | abgehen [Griff, Knopf] | |
| to get at sb./sth. [get hold of; reach or gain access] | jdm./etw. beikommen [jdn./etw. in den Griff bekommen] | |
Nouns |
| handle | 284 Stiel {m} [Griff] | |
| bail [also bale] [semicircular handle, support] | 128 Bügel {m} [halbkreisförmiger Griff, Stütze] | |
| purchase [grip, footing] | 118 Halt {m} [fester Stand, Griff] | |
| tools weapons hilt | 64 Heft {n} [fachspr. od. geh.] [Griff von Dolch, Schwert od. Messer] | |
| handle | 59 Handgriff {m} [Griff an einem Gegenstand] | |
| gastr. saucepan | 39 Kasserolle {f} [mit Griff] | |
| handle [of axe, hammer, chisel, etc.] | 23 Schaft {m} [Griff bei Axt, Hammer etc.] | |
| tools helve | 11 Heft {n} [Griff einer Feile] | |
| cloth. grip [of the sole of a boot or shoe] | 8 Rutschfestigkeit {f} [Griff / Griffigkeit einer Schuhsohle] | |
| haft | 6 Heft {n} [geh.] [Griff] | |
| handle | Anfasser {m} [ugs.] [Griff, Handgriff, Henkel usw.] | |
| blacksnake [whip] | Blacksnake {f} [geflochtene Peitsche ohne starren Griff] | |
| handle [of a handbag] | Bügel {m} [fester Griff einer Handtasche] | |
| sports continental grip [tennis] | Continentalgriff {m} [Tennis] [auch: Continental-Griff] | |
| tools file handle | Feilenheft {n} [fachspr.: Griff] | |
| spec. manubrium | Handhabe {f} [fig.] [Griff] | |
| mushroom-shaped dolly | Planiereisen {n} [Handfaust mit länglichem Griff] | |