Dictionary English German: [Graphentheorie]

Translation 1 - 15 of 15

math. edge
Kante {f} [Graphentheorie]
math. graph theoryGrafentheorie {f} [selten] [Rsv.] [Graphentheorie]
math. covering graphKantengraph {m} [Graphentheorie]
math. derived graphKantengraph {m} [Graphentheorie]
math. edge graphKantengraph {m} [Graphentheorie]
math. interchange graphKantengraph {m} [Graphentheorie]
math. line graphKantengraph {m} [Graphentheorie]
math. edge-to-vertex dualKantengraph {m} [Graphentheorie]
math. intersection graphSchnittgraph {m} [Graphentheorie]
math. cut setSchnittmenge {f} [Graphentheorie]
2 Words
coclique [graph theory]Co-Clique {f} [Graphentheorie]
math. co-derived graphCo-Kantengraph {m} [Graphentheorie]
math. digraphgerichteter Graph {m} [Graphentheorie]
math. directed graphgerichteter Graph {m} [Graphentheorie]
math. complete graphvollständiger Graph {m} [Graphentheorie]
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