| English | German  |  |
 | Godspeed! [a wish for good fortune, expressed at parting] | 626 Pfiati! [südd.] [Abschiedsgruß] [Gott behüte dich!] |  |
 | called {adj} {past-p} [esp. by God] | 26 berufen [bes. von Gott] |  |
 | relig. reprobate {adj} [rejected by God] | 23 verworfen [von Gott] |  |
 | death {adj} [attr.] [e.g. knell, mask, certificate, deity] | 11 Toten- [z. B. Glocke, Maske, Schein, Gott] |  |
 | pol. proverb Ditat Deus. [Arizona state motto: God Enriches.] | [Motto des US-Staates Arizona: Gott bereichert.] |  |
 | pol. Under God the People Rule [USA] [South Dakota state motto] | [Motto des US-Staates South Dakota: Unter Gott herrschen die Menschen] |  |
 | Put your trust in God, and keep your powder dry. [proverb] | [Vertraue auf Gott, und sei auf der Hut.] |  |
 | (My) oh my. | Allmächd! [fränk.] [Ausruf (des Erstaunens), Allmächtiger Gott!] |  |
 | Heaven forbid! [idiom] | Bewahre! [Gott bewahre!] [Redewendung] |  |
 | relig. spec. tri-personal {adj} [God] | dreipersonal [Gott] |  |
 | relig. Triune {adj} [God] | trinitarisch [Gott] |  |
Verbs |
 | to praise sb./sth. [also: God] | 251 jdn./etw. preisen [geh.] [auch: Gott] |  |
 | to glorify sb./sth. [praise, esp. God] | 33 jdn./etw. preisen [bes. Gott] |  |
 | relig. to proclaim sb./sth. [praise] | 31 jdn./etw. lobpreisen [z. B. Gott] [verkünden] |  |
 | to perceive sb./sth. | 9 jdn./etw. schauen [geh.] [selten] [z. B. Gott, das Paradies] |  |
 | to worship as God | vergöttlichen [als Gott verehren] |  |
Nouns |
 | myth. relig. Jupiter | 31 Jupiter {m} [höchster röm. Gott] |  |
 | mortals | 16 Menschen {pl} [bes. im Unterschied zu Gott] |  |
 | lit. myth. Zephyr [also Zephyrus] [Greek god of the west wind] | 15 Zephir {m} [griech. Gott des Westwinds] |  |
 | decree [esp. of God] | 12 Ratschluss {m} [geh.] [bes. von Gott] |  |
 | relig. Godhead | 9 Gott {m} [der christliche Gott] |  |
 | relig. condescension [of God] | 7 Kondeszendenz {f} [von Gott] |  |
 | lit. myth. Zephyr [also Zephyrus] [Greek god of the west wind] | 7 Zephyr {m} [griech. Gott des Westwinds] |  |
 | relig. Brahma [Hindu god] | Brahma {m} [Hindu-Gott] |  |
 | myth. relig. Khnum [also: Khnemu] [Egyptian god] | Chnum {m} [ägyptischer Gott] |  |
 | god of marriage | Ehegott {m} [Gott der Ehe] |  |
 | act of providence | Fügung {f} [Schicksal, Gott] |  |
 | sports football god [Br.] [also: god of football] [used for football player, trainer] | Fußballgott {m} [auch: Fußball-Gott] [Fußballjargon für hervorragenden („gottgleichen“) Spieler, Trainer] |  |
 | sports soccer god [Am.] [also: god of soccer] [used for soccer player, trainer] | Fußballgott {m} [auch: Fußball-Gott] [Fußballjargon für hervorragenden („gottgleichen“) Spieler, Trainer] |  |
 | relig. Ganesh [Hindu god] | Ganesha {m} [hinduistischer Gott] |  |
 | philos. relig. theistic belief | Götterglaube {m} [seltener für Gottglaube, Glaube an Gott oder Götter allgemein] |  |
 | relig. God's judgement / judgment | Gottesgericht {n} [Strafgericht, das Gott hält] |  |
 | relig. God | Herrgott {m} [Gott] |  |
 | myth. relig. Horus | Hor {m} [ägyptischer Gott] |  |
 | myth. relig. Horus | Horos {m} [ägyptischer Gott] |  |
 | myth. relig. Horus | Horus {m} [ägyptischer Gott] |  |
 | myth. Hymen [Greek god of marriage ceremonies] | Hymen {m} [griechischer Gott der Hochzeit] |  |
 | myth. Hymenaeus [Greek god of marriage] | Hymen {m} [griechischer Gott der Hochzeit] |  |
 | myth. Hymen [Greek god of marriage] | Hymenaios {m} [griechischer Gott der Hochzeit] |  |
 | myth. Hymenaeus [Greek god of marriage] | Hymenaios {m} [griechischer Gott der Hochzeit] |  |
 | relig. maumet [obs.] | Idol {n} [falscher Gott] |  |
 | myth. relig. Nu [also: Nun] [Egyptian god] | Nun {m} [ägyptischer Gott] |  |
 | myth. Pan [god] | Pan {m} [Gott] |  |
 | myth. Priapus | Priapos {m} [Gott der Fruchtbarkeit] |  |
 | myth. Priapus | Priapus {m} [Gott der Fruchtbarkeit] |  |
 | hist. relig. Ptah [Egyptian god] | Ptah {m} [ägyptischer Gott] |  |
 | bibl. relig. qorban [spv.] [corban] [Hebrew: offering to God] | Qorban {n} [Hebräisch: Opfergabe an Gott] |  |
 | myth. relig. Saturn | Saturn {m} [röm. Gott der Aussaat] |  |
 | relig. God the Father | Vatergott {m} [auch: Vater-Gott] [im trinitarischen Christentum] |  |
 | collector of prepuces [God] [hum.] [fig.] | Vorhautsammler {m} [Gott] [hum.] [fig.] |  |
 | myth. relig. Vulcan | Vulcanus {m} [römischer Gott] |  |
 | myth. relig. Vulcan | Vulkan {m} [römischer Gott] |  |
 | philos. relig. architect of the world [God] | Weltbaumeister {m} [Gott] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | to step before sb. | vor jdn. hintreten [jdm. gegenübertreten, z. B. vor Gott] |  |
2 Words: Nouns |
 | relig. the Highest [God] | der Höchste {m} [geh.] [Gott] |  |
 | bibl. relig. the Most High [God] | der Höchste {m} [geh.] [Gott] |  |
 | relig. the reprobate [rejected by God] | die Verworfenen {pl} [von Gott] |  |
 | bibl. El Shaddai [God Almighty] | El Shaddai {m} [Gott, der Allmächtige] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | philos. relig. the wholly other [also: the Wholly Other] [refers to God] | das ganz Andere {n} [Gott] |  |
 | philos. relig. the wholly other [also: the Wholly Other] [refers to God] | der ganz Andere {m} [Gott] |  |
5+ Words: Nouns |
 | bibl. El-Elohe-Israel [El, God of Israel (Genesis 33:20)] | Gott ist der Gott Israels [Name Gottes] [Luther-Bibel 1984] |  |