| English | German  |  |
 | decrepit {adj} [person, dog, chair, bicycle, etc.] | 1307 altersschwach [Person, Hund, Stuhl, Fahrrad etc.] |  |
 | On your left! [Am.] [warning call before passing someone with a bike] [idiom.] | [Warnruf vor dem Überholen mit einem Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike fit to ride {adj} [bicycles, motorcycles] | fahrtüchtig [Fahrrad, Motorrad] |  |
 | all-terrain {adj} [attr.] [vehicle, bike, boots, tyres etc.] | Gelände- [Geländewagen, Fahrrad, Stiefel, Reifen usw.] |  |
Verbs |
 | to park sth. [a car, a bike, etc.] | 499 etw.Akk. abstellen [ein Auto, ein Fahrrad etc.] |  |
 | to mount sth. [a hill, a horse, a bicycle, the throne, etc.] | 159 etw.Akk. besteigen [einen Hügel, ein Pferd, ein Fahrrad, den Thron etc.] |  |
 | to wheel [a bicycle] | 147 schieben [ein Fahrrad] |  |
 | to dink sb. [coll.] [Aus.] | 41 jdn. mitnehmen [auf einem Fahrrad befördern] |  |
 | to give sth. a push | etw. antauchen [österr.] [ugs.] [anschieben, z. B. Fahrrad] |  |
 | to ride up [motorcycle, bicycle; towards observer] | herauffahren [Motorrad, Fahrrad] |  |
 | to ride down [motorcycle, bicycle; towards observer] | herunterfahren [Motorrad, Fahrrad] |  |
 | to ride up [motorcycle, bicycle; away from observer] | hinauffahren [Motorrad, Fahrrad] |  |
 | to ride down [motorcycle, bicycle; away from observer] | hinunterfahren [Motorrad, Fahrrad] |  |
Nouns |
 | handlebars {pl} | 231 Lenker {m} [Lenkstange (Fahrrad, Motorrad)] |  |
 | bike bicycle | 209 Velo {n} [schweiz.] [Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike bike [coll.] [bicycle] | 177 Rad {n} [kurz für: Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike mudguard [Br.] | 148 Schutzblech {n} [Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike bike [coll.] [bicycle] | 122 Drahtesel {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike kickstand | 112 Fahrradständer {m} [am Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike sprocket | 63 Zahnkranz {m} [am Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike bicycle | 57 Rad {n} [Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike splashguard | 45 Schutzblech {n} [Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike headset | 44 Steuersatz {m} [Fahrrad] |  |
 | rider | 43 Fahrer {m} [Fahrrad-, Motorradfahrer] |  |
 | freewheel [bicycle] | 22 Leerlauf {m} [Fahrrad] |  |
 | automot. bike boneshaker [coll.] [old bicycle / vehicle] | 18 Klapperkiste {f} [ugs.] [altes Fahrrad / Auto] |  |
 | automot. bike shock | 13 Dämpfer {m} [Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike bike [coll.] | 13 Velo {n} [schweiz.] [Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike wheel [Am.] [Can.] [coll.] [bicycle] | 12 Rad {n} [ugs.] [Fahrrad] |  |
 | sports transp. stem [of a bicycle] | 9 Lenkerschaft {m} [beim Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike traffic transp. sharrow [Am.] [pavement symbol indicating motor vehicles and bicycles share a lane] | 7 [Piktogramm aus Fahrrad und Pfeilspitzen auf den Fahrbahnbelag des gemeinsamen zu nutzenden Fahrstreifens aufgebracht] |  |
 | [center of a wheel, from which the spokes radiate] | 7 Nabe {f} [z. B. Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike bicycle | 7 Veloziped {n} [veraltet, manchmal noch hum.: Fahrrad] |  |
 | rider [female] | 6 Fahrerin {f} [Fahrrad-, Motorradfahrerin] |  |
 | bike bike [coll.] [bicycle] | 6 Stahlross {n} [ugs.] [hum.] [Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike cycle [bicycle] | 6 Velo {n} [schweiz.] [Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike pedelec [electric bicycle] | 5 Pedelec {n} [E-Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike bike [coll.] | 5 Veloziped {n} [veraltet, manchmal noch hum.: Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike boneshaker [coll.] | [unbereiftes Fahrrad, z. B. Draisine, Hochrad] |  |
 | bike tacoed wheel [Am.] [coll.] [the bike is no longer rideable] | Achter {m} [Fahrradjargon für: Acht] [Fahrrad nicht mehr fahrbar] |  |
 | tech. brake block | Backenbremse {f} [Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike brake block | Bremsschuh {m} [Fahrrad] |  |
 | tech. brake shoe bolt | Bremsschuhschraube {f} [Fahrrad] |  |
 | tech. seatstay bridge | Bremssteg {m} [Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike stay bridge | Bremssteg {m} [Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike bike check | Fahrradcheck {m} [auch: Fahrrad-Check] |  |
 | bike bicycle tyre [Br.] | Fahrradpneu {m} [auch: Fahrrad-Pneu] |  |
 | bike kick stand | Fahrradständer {m} [am Fahrrad] |  |
 | bike bicycle stand | Fahrradständer {m} [nicht am Fahrrad, ortsfest oder mobil] |  |
 | bike bike rack [bicycle stand] | Fahrradständer {m} [nicht am Fahrrad, ortsfest oder mobil] |  |