| English | German | |
| geol. mining promising a rich yield of sth. [useful minerals, oil] | -höffig [reiches Vorkommen an Erdöl, Erz versprechend] | |
Verbs |
| mining to kill | totpumpen [Erdöl-, Erdgasförderung] | |
Nouns |
| mining tech. well | 75 Bohrloch {n} [Erdöl] | |
| tech. refining [process of removing impurities] | 24 Veredelung {f} [Metalle, Erdöl] | |
| mining production [gas and crude oil] | 10 Förderung {f} [Gas und Erdöl] | |
| oil-daubed civilization [fig.] [rare] [a motorized civilization] | [eine vom Erdöl geprägte, motorisierte Zivilisation] | |
| ind. tech. absorption plant | Absorptionsanlage {f} [z. B. für Erdöl] | |
| geol. mining wildcat [new field wildcat, new pool wildcat] [exploratory oil well] | Aufschlussbohrung {f} [Erdöl] | |
| ind. workover [of oil and gas wells] | Aufwältigen {n} [von Erdöl- und Erdgasbohrungen] | |
| jobs mining drilling superintendent | Bohrbetriebsführer {m} [z. B. Erdöl] | |
| ind. tech. drillstring | Bohrgarnitur {f} [Erdöl, Bohrtechnik] | |
| oil-well bore | Bohrloch {n} [Erdöl] | |
| mining oil-well borehole | Bohrloch {n} [Erdöl] | |
| mining well log | Bohrlochlog {n} [Erdöl] | |
| jobs mining drilling crew | Bohrmannschaft {f} [Erdöl-, Erdgasförderung, Bergbau usw.] | |
| jobs toolpusher | Bohrmeister {m} [Erdöl] | |
| mining exploratory oil well | Erkundungsbohrung {f} [Erdöl, Erdgas] | |
| ind. mining development phase | Erschließungsphase {f} [Erdöl, Lagerstätte] | |
| geol. mining appraisal well | Erwartungsbohrung {f} [Erdöl, Lagerstätten] | |
| geol. ind. exploration rig | Explorationsbohranlage {f} [Erdöl, Lagerstätten] | |
| geol. ind. exploration drilling | Explorationsbohren {n} [Erdöl] | |
| mining exploratory oil well | Explorationsbohrung {f} [Erdöl, Erdgas] | |
| chem. engin. tech. entrained gasifier | Flugstromvergaser {m} [für Kohle, Erdöl etc.] | |
| oil field | Förderfeld {n} [für Erdöl] | |
| ind. wellhead | Förderkopf {m} [Erdöl] | |
| econ. producing countries [e.g. oil] | Förderländer {pl} [z. B. Erdöl] | |
| law drilling rights | Förderrechte {pl} [Erdöl] | |
| ind. mining casing | Futterrohr {n} [Erdöl] | |
| ind. mining crane barge | Kranschiff {n} [Erdöl] | |
| oil genesis | Ölentstehung {f} [Erdöl] | |
| geol. oil mud | Ölschlamm {m} [Erdöl] | |
| ind. naut. lay barge | Rohrverlegeschiff {n} [Erdöl, Offshore-Technik] | |
| mining well log | Schichtenbuch {n} [Erdöl] | |
| jobs toolpusher | Schichtführer {m} [am Erdöl-Bohrturm] | |
| kill line | Totpumpleitung {f} [Erdöl-, Erdgasförderung] | |
| kill manifold | Totpumpmanifold {n} [Erdöl-, Erdgasförderung] | |
| spec. mouse hole [drilling] | Vorbohrloch {n} [Erdöl] | |
| ind. workover [of oil and gas wells] | Workover {m} [Aufwältigen von Erdöl- und Erdgasbohrungen] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| mining blowout [uncontrollable escape of oil or gas from a well] | Blow-out {m} [auch: Blowout] [unkontrollierter Ausbruch von Erdöl oder -gas aus einem Bohrloch] | |
| mining black gold [Am.] [coll.] [oil, petroleum] | flüssiges Gold {n} [fig. für: Erdöl] | |
| black gold [Am.] [coll.] [oil, petroleum] | schwarzes Gold {n} [fig. für: Erdöl] | |