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|  |
 | its {pron} [English neuter determiner used when German uses female gender of possessor] | 275 ihr |  |
 | purdy {adj} [regional] [not acceptable English in most settings] | 44 hübsch |  |
 | Toodeloo! [coll.] [esp. Br. (or in a parody of Br. English speakers)] [dated] | 17 Tüdelü! [ugs.] [seltenere Variante von »Tschüs!«, »Tschüss!«] |  |
 | yond {pron} [obs., Middle English] [that one] | 9 jener |  |
 | sho {adv} [sl. for: sure] [Am.] [Black American English] | 5 sicher |  |
 | beenie {adj} [Jamaican English] [coll.] | klein |  |
 | Brummagem {adj} [also: brummagem] [coll.] [relating to Birmingham, UK, or the dialect of English spoken there] | birminghamsch |  |
 | firster {adj} [obs.] [regional] [early modern English] | erstere |  |
 | in {prep} [in cases where an article is used in German but not English, e.g. "im November"] | im [Präp. + Art.: in dem] |  |
 | unchildish {adj} [NB: rare and unidiomatic English] | unkindlich |  |
Verbs |
 | to boak [Scot.] [Northern English] [to vomit] | 7 erbrechen |  |
 | [to pronounce sp and st like the English would; esp. Northern German] | über den spitzen Stein stolpern [Redewendung] |  |
 | ling. to English [archaic] [translate into English] | ins Englische übersetzen |  |
 | to indispose [archaic in Br. English] | untauglich machen |  |
 | to moider sb. [esp. Irish] [Manx English and regional] | jdn. verwirren [verblüffen] |  |
 | to plodge [Northeastern English] | waten |  |
Nouns |
 | stocks bourse [stock market in non-English-speaking countries, esp. France] | 104 Börse {f} |  |
 | gossamer [archaic] [from Middle English - goose summer] | 51 Altweibersommer {m} |  |
 | law award [Indian English] | 48 Urteilsspruch {m} |  |
 | skeet [sl.] [vulg.] [Black English] | 26 Abspritzen {n} [vulg.] |  |
 | lagniappe [Cajun English] | 15 Dreingabe {f} |  |
 | besom [Scot.] [Northern English] [pej.] [woman, girl] | 11 Besen {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [kratzbürstige, ruppige weibliche Person] |  |
 | belle [Middle English: bell] | 9 Glocke {f} |  |
 | geogr. the Midlands {sg} {pl} [English Midlands] | 8 Mittelengland {n} |  |
 | ling. Denglish [German language full of English words and phrases] [coll.] | 7 Denglisch {n} |  |
 | jobs houseboy [Asian English, otherwise dated] | 7 Hausdiener {m} |  |
 | ling. [sb. who uses a lot of English expressions in German] | 5 Sprachpanscher {m} [pej.] |  |
 | oenol. [association of German quality and prädikat-wine estates: uses officially the German name and abbreviation in English] | Verband {m} Deutscher Prädikats- und Qualitätsweingüter (e. V.) <VDP> |  |
 | publ. market. [corresponds to the "Audit Bureau of Circulation" <ABC> in English-speaking countries] | Informationsgemeinschaft {f} zur Feststellung der Verbreitung von Werbeträgern e. V. <IVW> |  |
 | jobs [jobs in mathematics, informatics, sciences, and engineering; cf. the English acronym "STEM" (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)] | MINT-Berufe {pl} [Berufe aus den Gebieten Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik] |  |
 | gastr. [similar to American scrapple or English black pudding] | Blutkuchen {m} [rhein.] [thür.] |  |
 | hist. theatre [troupes of English actors touring Germany in the 16th and 17th century] | Englische Komödianten {pl} |  |
 | ling. Bislama [English-based creole language used as the national language of Vanuatu] | Bislama {n} [Amtssprache der Republik Vanuatu und Lingua franca] |  |
 | furn. buffet [Scot.] [Northern English] [footstool, pouffe] | Fußhocker {m} [gepolstert] |  |
 | ling. Engrish [humorous expression for the way many Japanese pronounce English] | Engrish {n} [hum.] [Ausdruck für die Art, wie viele Japaner Englisch aussprechen] |  |
 | ling. Germerican [a portmanteau of the words 'German' and 'American' (English)] | Denglisch {n} [pej.] |  |
 | ling. Gullah [creolized English] | Gullah {n} [an der Südostküste der USA gesprochene, englisch-basierte Kreolsprache] |  |
 | gymkhana [Indian English] | (öffentliche) Sporteinrichtung {f} |  |
 | hieroglyphic [individual sign] [now often considered incorrect for 'hieroglyph', esp. in British English] | Hieroglyphe {f} |  |
 | hieroglyphic [sign system] [rare] [generally now considered incorrect for 'hieroglyphics', esp. in British English]. | Hieroglyphenschrift {f} |  |
 | ling. Llanito [mix of English and Spanish spoken by Gibraltarians] | Llanito {n} [englisch-spanische Mischsprache Gibraltars] |  |
 | curr. hist. noble [English coin] | Nobel {m} |  |
 | ling. officialese [English] | Amtsenglisch {n} |  |
 | pol. panchayat [Indian English] | Dorfrat {m} [in Indien] |  |
 | plodge [Northeastern English] | Waten {n} |  |
 | mil. quartermaster <QM> [in English speaking navies a petty officer specialized in navigation] | Steuermannsmaat {m} <Strm.Mt.> [niedrigster Unteroffiziersdienstgrad Steuermanns-Laufbahn] |  |
 | ling. Scots [If it is a language or a dialect of English is disputed.] | Schottisch {n} [Ob es eine eigene Sprache oder ein Dialekt des Englischen ist, darüber wird gestritten.] |  |
 | geogr. Spires [archaic] [now generally called Speyer in English] | Speyer {n} |  |
 | curr. teston [English and French coin from the 16th century] | [englische und französische Münze des 16. Jahrhunderts] |  |
 | curr. testoon [English and French coin from the 16th century] | [englische und französische Münze des 16. Jahrhunderts] |  |