| English | German  |  |
 | constr. unreinforced {adj} [concrete] | 33 unbewehrt [Beton] |  |
 | earth-moist {adj} | erdfeucht [z. B. Beton, Lehm] |  |
 | light {adj} [e.g. aircraft, cargo, concrete, metal, motorcycle] | Leicht- [z. B. Flugzeug, Gut, Beton, Metall, Kraftrad] |  |
 | constr. material low-strength {adj} [attr.] | niederfest [bes. Beton] |  |
 | pre-stressed {adj} {past-p} | vorgespannt [Beton, Stahl] |  |
Verbs |
 | constr. to screed [concrete] | 64 abziehen [Beton] |  |
 | constr. to chisel (out) [a channel or access to a leak in brick or concrete] | aufspitzen [schweiz.] [österr.] [südd.] [aufmeißeln; mit einem Meißel eine Beton- oder Backsteinwand zwecks Installationen aufstemmen] |  |
Nouns |
 | constr. grout | 98 Mörtel {m} [Beton- oder Putzmischung] |  |
 | constr. aggregate | 72 Zuschlag {m} [Beton] |  |
 | slab | 24 Bohle {f} [aus Beton] |  |
 | constr. dent. setting | 23 Abbinden {n} [von Beton, Amalgam etc.] |  |
 | tower | 22 Mast {m} [großer Beton-, Gitter-, Hochspannungsmast] |  |
 | aggregates | 18 Zuschläge {pl} [Beton] |  |
 | constr. tetrapod [four-legged concrete breakwater] | 10 Tetrapode {m} [vierfüßiger Wellenbrecher aus Beton] |  |
 | constr. tetrapods [four-legged concrete breakwaters] | 6 Tetrapoden {pl} [vierfüßige Wellenbrecher aus Beton] |  |
 | dent. material tech. cast [e.g. blank, concrete, filling, iron, metal, part, plate] | 5 Guss- [gegossen] [z. B. Rohling, Beton, Füllung, Eisen, Metall, Teil, Platte] |  |
 | kibble [Br.] | 5 Schütte {f} [Beton] |  |
 | constr. setting speed | Abbindegeschwindigkeit {f} [von Beton etc.] |  |
 | archi. embedded reinforcement [concrete] | Armierung {f} [Beton] |  |
 | constr. reinforcing rod [for concrete] | Armierungsstange {f} [für Beton] |  |
 | constr. stripping time [formwork] | Ausschalfrist {f} [Beton] |  |
 | constr. placement conditions [concrete] | Einbaubedingungen {pl} [Beton] |  |
 | constr. concrete paver [Aus.] | Gehwegplatte {f} [Beton] |  |
 | constr. pug mill mixer | Knetmischer {m} [Beton] |  |
 | constr. tools electric paddle mixer [for plaster, mortars, etc.] | Mörtelquirl {m} [Rührstab; Handrührgerät zum Anmischen von Beton, Mörtel usw.] |  |
 | constr. curing period [concrete] | Nachbehandlungszeitraum {m} [Beton] |  |
 | constr. tools electric paddle mixer [for plaster, mortars and heavy paints] | Rührstab {m} [zum Anmischen von Beton / Mörtel und zum Verrühren von Kleber / Farbe] |  |
 | percentage of reinforcement | Stahlanteil {m} [in bewehrtem Beton] |  |
 | percentage of rebar steel | Stahlanteil {m} [in bewehrtem Beton] |  |
 | constr. dry batch | Trockengemisch {n} [Beton] |  |
 | constr. dry batch | Trockenmischung {f} [Beton] |  |
 | constr. trial batch | Versuchsmischung {f} [Beton] |  |
 | constr. water to cement ratio <w/c ratio> [e.g. of concrete] | Wasserzementwert {m} <w/z-Wert> [z. B. von Beton] |  |
3 Words: Nouns |
 | constr. water-cement <w/c> factor | Wasser-Zement-Faktor {m} [von Beton] |  |
 | cement/water ratio | Wasser-Zement-Verhältnis {n} [von Beton] |  |
 | constr. water-cement <w/c> ratio | Wasser-Zement-Verhältnis {n} [von Beton] |  |
 | water/cement ratio <w/c> | Wasser-Zement-Verhältnis {n} [von Beton] |  |
 | constr. water to cement ratio <w/c ratio> [e.g. of concrete] | Wasser-Zement-Verhältnis {n} <w/z-Verhältnis> [z. B. von Beton] |  |
 | constr. water-cement factor <w/c factor> [e.g. of concrete] | Wasser-Zement-Wert {m} <w/z-Wert> [z. B. von Beton] |  |
 | constr. water/cement ratio <w/c ratio> [e.g. of concrete] | Wasser-Zement-Wert {m} <w/z-Wert> [z. B. von Beton] |  |
 | constr. water to cement ratio <w/c ratio> [e.g. of concrete] | Wasser-Zement-Wert {m} <w/z-Wert> [z. B. von Beton] |  |
 | constr. cement-water ratio <c/w ratio> [e.g. of concrete] | Zement-Wasser-Wert {m} <z/w-Wert> [z. B. von Beton] |  |
 | constr. cement/water ratio <c/w ratio> [e.g. of concrete] | Zement-Wasser-Wert {m} <z/w-Wert> [z. B. von Beton] |  |