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 | tall {adj} [e.g. tree, grass, building] | 660 hoch [z. B. Baum, Gras, Gebäude] |  |
 | dead {adj} [tree, branch, skin cells, etc.; also: numb (foot, fingers, etc)] | 392 abgestorben [tot (Baum, Ast, Hautzellen etc.); auch: ohne Empfindung (Fuß, Finger etc.)] |  |
 | laurel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. branch, forest, leaf, tree, wreath] | 44 Lorbeer- [z. B. Zweig, Wald, Blatt, Baum, Kranz] |  |
 | leafless {adj} | 19 kahl [Baum, Pflanze] |  |
 | massive {adj} | 18 mächtig [Körper, Baum etc.] |  |
 | fallen {adj} {past-p} [tree etc.] | 10 umgestürzt [Baum etc.] |  |
 | for. withered {adj} [tree] | 5 abständig [Baum] |  |
 | fat-boled {adj} [tree] | dickstämmig [Baum] |  |
 | barkless {adj} [tree] | rindenlos [Baum] |  |
 | bot. trunkless {adj} [tree] | stammlos [Baum] |  |
 | cut down {past-p} | umgehauen [Baum] |  |
 | for. chopped down {adj} {past-p} [coll.] [e.g. a tree] | umgesägt [ugs.] [z. B. ein Baum] |  |
 | wind-blown {adj} | windzerzaust [Frisur, Haare, Baum] |  |
Verbs |
 | to tap sth. [barrel, tree, telephone, etc.] | 1067 etw.Akk. anzapfen [Fass, Baum, Telefon usw.] |  |
 | agr. hort. to pick sth. [e.g. cherries from a tree] | 407 etw.Akk. abpflücken [z. B. Kirschen von einem Baum] |  |
 | to creak | 161 ächzen [Baum etc.] |  |
 | to bark sth. [esp. Br.] [strip the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)] | 140 etw.Akk. entrinden [einen Baum, einen Ast etc.] |  |
 | to fell sth. | 94 etw.Akk. umhauen [Baum] |  |
 | hort. med. to transplant sb./sth. | 65 jdn./etw. verpflanzen [einen Baum etc.; eine Niere etc.; auch fig.: alte Menschen etc.] |  |
 | to shin sth. | 51 etw. erklettern [Baum, Stange, Mast usw.] |  |
 | for. hort. to replant sth. [transfer a tree etc.] | 20 etw. umpflanzen [einen Baum etc. an einen anderen Ort pflanzen] |  |
 | to debark sth. [remove the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)] | 19 etw.Akk. entrinden [einen Baum, ein Stück Holz etc.] |  |
 | for. to fell sth. [a tree] | 18 etw.Akk. umlegen [einen Baum] |  |
 | to fall | 18 umstürzen [Baum etc.] |  |
 | to embrace sth./sb. [to put one's arms around with the fingertips just touching each other; e.g. a tree, a person] | 11 etw./jdn. umklaftern [veraltet] [mit ausgebreiteten Armen umfassen (sodass sich die Fingerspitzen eben berühren); z. B. einen Baum od. Menschen] |  |
 | for. hort. to lop sth. | 9 etw. beschneiteln [veraltet] [beschneiden] [einen Baum] |  |
 | hunting to fly off [from a tree] | abbaumen [einen Baum herunterspringend bzw. wegfliegend verlassen] [von Tieren] |  |
 | to hew down sth. [a tree] | etw.Akk. fällen [einen Baum mit einer Axt] |  |
 | to hew sth. (down) [a tree] | etw.Akk. fällen [einen Baum mit einer Axt] |  |
 | to shinny up sth. [Am.] [climb sth. using hands and feet] | etw.Akk. hochklettern [ugs.] [an Baum, Mast etc. ohne Hilfsmittel] |  |
 | to debark sth. [remove the bark (from a tree or piece of wood)] | etw.Akk. scheppsen [bayer.] [entrinden] [einen Baum, ein Stück Holz etc.] |  |
 | to break sth. down | etw.Akk. umbrechen [z. B. Zaun, Baum] |  |
 | to shin (up) sth. | etw. hinaufklettern [Baum, Stange, Mast usw.] |  |
 | for. to mark sth. with notches [tree] | etw. schalmen [Baum] |  |
 | to saw sth. down [a tree, etc.] | etw. umsägen [einen Baum etc.] |  |
 | to cut down sth. [fell] | etw. umschlagen [Baum] |  |
 | to put one's arms around sth./sb. [the fingertips just touching each other; e.g. a tree] | etw./jdn. umklaftern [veraltet] [mit ausgebreiteten Armen umfassen (sodass sich die Fingerspitzen eben berühren); z. B. einen Baum] |  |
 | to shin down | hinunterklettern [Baum, Stange, Mast usw.] |  |
 | to chop down | umhauen [Baum] |  |
Nouns |
 | bot. T | 83 |  |
 | bot. T | 33 |  |
 | line [border] | 26 Grenze {f} [Schnee-, Baum-, Staats-] |  |
 | hunting twig [or branch] | 24 Bruch {m} [vom Baum gebrochener Zweig] [jagdliches Brauchtum] |  |
 | bot. T | 21 |  |
 | for. widowmaker [Am.] [regional] [fig.] | 10 Totholz {n} [im oder am Baum] |  |
 | bot. tuckamore (tree) [Newfoundland and Labrador] [krummholz (tree)] | [krummwüchsiger Baum in Neufundland und Labrador] |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | bot. T | |  |
 | orn. T | |  |
 | orn. T | |  |