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Full phrase not found. Did you mean [Art]? | » Report missing translation » [Art] |
Partial Matches |
 | from {prep} [no art] | vom [Präp. + Art.: von dem] |  |
 | math. art gallery problem <AGP> [Chvátal's art gallery theorem] [also: Art gallery theorem; Art Gallery theorem] | Problem {n} der Museumswächter |  |
 | art hist. To every age its art. To art its freedom. [Secessionist art movement motto] | Der Zeit ihre Kunst. Der Kunst ihre Freiheit. [Motto der Wiener Secession] |  |
 | art sculpture [art] | Bildhauerkunst {f} |  |
 | art print [Art] | Stich {m} |  |
 | facile {adj} [art, style] | gefällig |  |
 | contemporary {adj} [art, design] | modern |  |
 | naut. club | [eine Art Bootsspiere] |  |
 | gastr. scone | [eine Art] Milchbrötchen {n} |  |
 | derogatoriness | Abschätzigkeit {f} [abschätzige Art] |  |
 | art bot. spec. foliage [in art] | Baumschlag {m} |  |
 | sports fartlek | Fahrtspiel {n} [Art Lauftraining] |  |
 | biol. strain | Form {f} [Art, Unterart] |  |
 | gastr. kishke | Kischke {f} [Art Wurst] |  |
 | art conceptualism [conceptual art] | Konzeptkunst {f} |  |
 | lasciviousness | Laszivität {f} [laszive Art] |  |
 | kindness | Nettigkeit {f} [nette Art] |  |
 | tactlessness | Taktlosigkeit {f} [taktlose Art] |  |
 | law libel | Verleumdung {f} [schriftlicher Art] |  |
 | thus {adv} | derart [auf diese Art] |  |
 | unrefined {adj} [manners] | grobschlächtig [pej.] [Art] |  |
 | artistic {adj} [appreciative of art] | kunstempfänglich |  |
 | improvement bonds | [Art von] Kommunalanleihe {f} |  |
 | biol. geol. kind [type] | Beschaffenheit {f} [Art, Sorte] |  |
 | art sculpture [art or practice] | Bildhauerei {f} |  |
 | fin. funding measures | Fördermaßnahmen {pl} [finanzieller Art] |  |
 | mode [form] | Form {f} [Art, Modus] |  |
 | stereotyped nature | Formelhaftigkeit {f} [formelhafte Art] |  |
 | econ. ind. management practice | Führungspraxis {f} [Führungsweise, -art] |  |
 | art engraving [art of engraving] | Gravierkunst {f} |  |
 | humorousness [rare] | Humorigkeit {f} [humorige Art] |  |
 | mil. warfare | Krieg {m} [Art der Kriegsführung] |  |
 | art artwork [work of art] | Kunstwerk {n} |  |
 | gastr. latte | Milchkaffee {m} [nach italienischer Art] |  |
 | rhet. forensics [art of debate] | Rhetorik {f} |  |
 | mould [Br.] | Schlag {m} [Art Mensch] |  |
 | stripe [kind, sort] | Schlag {m} [Art] |  |
 | hist. tech. secrophone | Sekrophon {n} [eine Art Schallregler] |  |
 | nature [character] | Veranlagung {f} [Charakter, Art] |  |
 | manner [behaviour] | Verhalten {n} [Auftreten, Art] |  |
 | art popular art [folk art] | Volkskunst {f} |  |
 | ecol. zool. wild population | Wildpopulation {f} [einer Art] |  |
 | flirtatiousness | kokettes Wesen {n} [kokette Art] |  |
 | facile {adj} [simple] | einfach [Art, Methode, Technik] |  |
 | facile {adj} [mind, work of art] | oberflächlich |  |
 | to the {prep} | zum [Präp. + Art.: zu dem] |  |
 | to the {prep} | zur [Präp. + Art.: zu der] |  |
 | ditziness [sl.] | Albernheit {f} [ugs.] [Art, Benehmen] |  |
 | bot. angiosperm species | Angiospermenart {f} [auch: Angiospermen-Art] |  |
 | archi. cosmet. building art [also: building-art] | Baukunst {f} |  |