Wörterbuch Englisch Deutsch: [Alps]

Übersetzung 1 - 24 von 24

Englisch Deutsch
Alpine {adj} [of/pertaining to/on or part of the Alps]alpin
gastr. [group of cheeses produced in the Alps]
Bergkäse {m}
agr. transhumance [in the Alps]
Almwirtschaft {f}
geogr. [col between the Jungfrau and Mönch mountains in the Bernese alps]Jungfraujoch {n}
meteo. [storm in the northern Alps arriving from the south]Föhnsturm {m}
bike alpencross [crossing the Alps on bike]Alpencross {m}
geogr. Gänsekragen [one of the summits of the Stubai Alps, Tyrol/Austria]Gänsekragen {m}
hillfolk [in the Alps]Älpler {pl} [manchmal pej.]
agr. transhumance [in the Alps]Almenwirtschaft {f}
2 Wörter
geogr. inner Alpine {adj} [referring to the European Alps]inneralpin
peri-Alpine {adj} [referring to the European Alps]perialpin
agr. Alpine farming [relating to the European Alps]Älpung {f}
agr. Alpine farming [relating to the European Alps]Alpung {f}
geogr. geol. Alpine foothills {pl} [Swiss Alps]Voralpenland {n}
Alpine glow [in the Alps] [or: alpine glow [elsewhere]]Alpenglühen {n}
Alpine meadow [in the Alps]Alpenwiese {f}
Alpine meadow [pertaining to the European Alps]Almwiese {f}
geogr. alpine region [when referring to areas apart from the Alps]Alpengebiet {n}
geogr. Alpine region [when referring to the Alps]Alpengebiet {n}
climbing geogr. Kleiner Watzmann [also: Watzmannfrau; Bavarian Alps, Germany]Watzmannfrau {f} [Kleiner Watzmann]
3 Wörter
geogr. Central Alps region [also: region of the Central Alps]Zentralalpenbereich {m}
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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