| English | German  |  |
 | residual {adj} [e.g. alcohol, heat, risk, population] | 607 Rest- [z. B. Alkohol, Wärme, Risiko, Population] |  |
 | ripped {adj} [sl.] | 75 berauscht [v. Alkohol o. Droge] |  |
 | teetotal {adj} | 61 enthaltsam [auf Alkohol verzichtend] |  |
 | twatted {adj} [sl.] | 29 dicht [ugs.] [unter Alkohol- oder Drogeneinfluss] |  |
 | straight edge {adj} | [keine Drogen, kein Alkohol, keine wechselnden Geschlechtspartner] |  |
 | addicted to sth. {adj} [postpos.] | etw.Dat. ergeben [einem Laster, dem Alkohol etc.] |  |
 | chem. high-proof {adj} [alcohol] | hochprozentig [Alkohol] |  |
 | chem. oenol. vinic {adj} [e.g. alcohol] | Wein- [z. B. Alkohol] |  |
Verbs |
 | to guzzle sth. [drink greedily, continually, or habitually, esp. alcohol] | 485 etw.Akk. saufen [tierisch oder gierig trinken, bes. Alkohol] |  |
 | to inebriate | 266 berauschen [mit Alkohol] |  |
 | to swig [coll.] [alcoholic beverages] | 147 schlucken [ugs.] [Alkohol trinken, hier bes. in großen Zügen] |  |
 | to pregame [Am.] [sl.] | 52 vorglühen [ugs.] [vor dem Ausgehen Alkohol trinken] |  |
 | to distil sth. [esp. Br.] | 40 etw.Akk. brennen [Alkohol] |  |
 | to fuddle | 15 berauschen [durch Alkohol] |  |
 | to tipple | 15 trinken [Alkohol] |  |
 | drugs to go hard [Am.] [coll.] [drink excessively] | ballern [ugs.] [exzessiv Alkohol trinken] |  |
 | to slug sth. (down) [coll.] [idiom] [swig] | etw. schlucken [bes. ugs.] [ein oft alkohol. Getränk in großen Zügen konsumieren] |  |
 | to boil away [alcohol in cooking] | verfliegen [Alkohol beim Kochen] |  |
 | to preload [coll.] [drink before going to a nightclub etc.] | vorglühen [ugs.] [fig.] [vor dem Ausgehen Alkohol trinken] |  |
 | to take hold [drugs, drinks...] | wirken [Drogen, Alkohol...] |  |
Nouns |
 | booze [coll.] [spirits, schnapps] | 1019 Schnaps {m} [ugs.] [Alkohol] |  |
 | med. psych. sobriety [abstinence from alcohol] | 515 Abstinenz {f} [von Alkohol] |  |
 | jag [esp. Am.] [coll.] [bout of unrestrained or excessive indulgence in alcohol or drugs] | 163 Rausch {m} [Alkohol-, Drogenrausch] |  |
 | level | 122 Spiegel {m} [Alkohol, Testosteron, Cholesterin] |  |
 | booze [coll.] | 95 Alk {m} [ugs.] [Alkohol] |  |
 | gastr. tools unit jigger [Am.] [measure used in mixing drinks that usually holds 1 to 2 ounces (30 to 60 milliliters)] | 46 Messbecher {m} [für Alkohol] |  |
 | imbibing | 34 Trinken {n} [von Alkohol] |  |
 | preparty [coll.] | 29 Vorglühen {n} [ugs.] [der Vorgang, sich vor der Party mit Alkohol in Stimmung zu bringen] |  |
 | booze [coll.] | 18 Sprit {m} [ugs.] [Alkohol] |  |
 | belt [of spirits, liquor] [sl.] | 17 Schluck {m} [eines alkohol. Getränks] |  |
 | alcohol | 17 Stoff {n} [ugs.] [Alkohol] |  |
 | scope [liquor] [coll.] | 14 Zielwasser {n} [Alkohol] [ugs.] |  |
 | hist. blind pig [Am.] | [Kneipe, in der während der Prohibition illegal Alkohol ausgeschenkt wurde] |  |
 | hist. blind tiger [Am.] | [Kneipe, in der während der Prohibition illegal Alkohol ausgeschenkt wurde] |  |
 | hist. booze can [Am.] | [Kneipe, in der während der Prohibition illegal Alkohol ausgeschenkt wurde] |  |
 | law pol. dry county [Am.] | [Landkreis oder Bezirk, in dem der Verkauf, Ausschank oder Transport von Alkohol stark eingeschränkt oder verboten ist] |  |
 | gastr. tipsy cake | [mit Alkohol getränkter Kuchen] |  |
 | alc [coll.] [alcohol, booze] | Alk {m} [ugs.] [Alkohol] |  |
 | med. alcohol-related dementia | Alkoholdemenz {f} [auch: Alkohol-Demenz] |  |
 | aqua vitae [fig.] [also: spirits of wine] [water of life] [alcohol, brandy] | Lebenswasser {n} [fig.] [Alkohol, Branntwein] |  |
 | myth. water of life [also fig.] [hum.] | Lebenswasser {n} [fig.] [hum.] [Alkohol, Branntwein] |  |
 | gastr. cantina [southwestern US] [a bar that serves liquor] | Saloon {m} [eine Kneipe, die Alkohol ausschenkt] |  |
 | biol. med. psych. drinking behavior [Am.] [esp. alcohol] | Trinkverhalten {n} [bes. Alkohol] |  |
 | biol. med. psych. drinking behaviour [Br.] [esp. alcohol] | Trinkverhalten {n} [bes. Alkohol] |  |
 | alcoholic content [of a drink] | Umdrehungen {pl} [ugs. für: Prozentgehalt Alkohol] [ostd.] |  |
 | chem. denaturation | Vergällen {n} [von Alkohol] |  |
 | chem. denaturation [of alcohol etc.] | Vergällung {f} [von Alkohol etc.] |  |
 | chem. denaturing [of alcohol etc.] | Vergällung {f} [von Alkohol etc.] |  |
2 Words: Verbs |
 | gastr. to liquor up [Am.] [sl.] | einen heben [ugs.] [Alkohol trinken] |  |
 | to be on the wagon [coll.] | enthaltsam sein [Alkohol] |  |