Dictionary English German: [Adel]

Translation 1 - 9 of 9

moneyed {adj} [aristocracy]Geld- [Adel]
high {adj} [e.g. chair, alp, altar, aristocracy, baroque, finance]Hoch- [z. B. Stuhl, Alm, Altar, Adel, Barock, Finanz]
Gentry {f} [niederer Adel]
aristocracy {sg} [nobility]Adelshäuser {pl} [Adel]
sociol. low nobilityNiederadel {m} [niederer Adel]
sociol. lower nobility [treated as sg. or pl.]Niederadel {m} [niederer Adel]
2 Words
hist. to be made a countgegraft werden [niedriger Adel]
hist. pol. sociol. second estate [nobility]zweiter Stand {m} [Adel]
3 Words
to have blue blood [belong to the nobility]blaues Blut haben [von Adel sein]
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